Argonne National Laboratory Office of Technology Transfer U.S. Department of Energy
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"Supergel" System for Cleaning Radioactively Contaminated Structures

Argonne researchers are designing a system to safely capture and dispose of radioactive elements in porous structures outdoors, such as buildings and monuments, using a spray-on, super-absorbent gel and engineered nanoparticles.. Such a system would help the nation be more prepared in the event of a terrorist attack with a "dirty bomb" or other radioactive dispersal device.

For More Information

For technical information, contact Michael Kaminski (630-252-4777)

for licensing and partnership opportunities, contact Bill Ragland,, OTT, Argonne National Laboratory

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For Additional Information

Ghost Town Buster: After a dirty bomb attack, special formulations could counter radioactive contamination: (Science News online, 18(18), 282, October 29, 2005)

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