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encouraging organic and alternative food production in Canada by improving accessibility to organic farming content online.

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Marketing Intelligence

online help in selling your product
(* = Internal link)

* UPDATED - January 2008 Who Owns What? a chart showing corporate ownership of organic companies

Prices and Price Trends

Recent Wholesale Organic Prices. Provided to Cyber-Help by BC suppliers
Organic vs Conventional: 2003-4 prices in Canada
New Farm Organic Price Index: Comparison with conventional US prices
University of Saskatchewan. Recent annual history of prices of major organic crops.
Organic Farmgate and Wholesale Prices (USDA)
Agricultural Products - Economic and Market Information (AgCan)
InfoHort - Email Notifications (Montreal & Toronto Daily Price, Apple & Potato & Vegetable Storage) (AgCan)
Monthly Medicinal Herbs and Spice Prices (AgCan)


Economic and Market information: From Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada
E-Mail market reports from Toronto and Montreal
Commodity & Market Prices: Beef and Cattle, General Crop Reports (weekly), Dairy, Feed Grain, Fruits and Vegetables, Grains and Oilseeds, Hogs, Poultry & Eggs, Sheep & Lamb, Herbs, Hay
Agricultural Marketing Resource Center: Explanations of markets and marketing
Vegetables and Melons Outlook: Current intelligence and forecasts on U.S. vegetables and melons sectors.
Today's Market Prices: Daily herbs, fruit & vegetables - wholesale A range of global prices.

Herbs & Spices
Monthly Medicinal Herbs and Spice Prices includes comparative organic prices

Alberta Weekly Feed Grain Prices
US Department of Agriculture Feedstuffs Reports
US Department of Agriculture Hay Reports

Alberta Grain Commission - Closing Prices
Canadian Wheat Board Current pricing schedule

News & Information

Organic Market Information: from Agrifood Canada
Data on horticultural commodities across Canada. from Agrifood Canada
The North American Market for Organic Meat Products: Dec. 2003 research publication.
World Market Reports: USDA Foreign Agricultural Service.
Trade Data Online: Generate customized reports on Canada's and U.S. trade with over 200 countries.
Exporter Assistance: Agriculture Canada
Statpub Organic Market News
The Daily: StatsCan buletin for which you can select your topics of interest.
Organic Monitor: Business Intelligence on the International Organic Food Industry
Europe: Analysis of the European market for organic food.
Statistics on organic farming in Europe
Organic Feed Study - evaluates market opportunities for organic feed in the United States and Europe
USDA: Organic Agricultural Marketing and Trade Resources:
March 2004 update [pdf]

Buying & Selling

Alberta government Organic Industry Listings. Alberta producers list your products here.
Green People: The world's largest, searchable database of eco-friendly products
Internet Hay Exchange: For the USA and Canada
Organic Marketplace: buying and selling organic products around the world.
The Non-GMO Source: newsletter on opportunities in the non-GMO niche market.
Portia Sun introduces the top quality food and primary product retailers to the small, pro-sustainability orientated producers from around the world.

Feast of Fields

Feast of Fields is an annual event in Ontario celebrating local organic food and products, farming and sustainability. In 2007 Everdale Organic Farm hosted the event.

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