Yes! Bush tortured at Gitmo.. | Minot North Dakota News Talk Forums

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Yes! Bush tortured at Gitmo..
Posted On: Jan 14 2009 7:45AM

At least that is what I read on the internet headlines today.

My response is SO WHAT?    Did it save an American life?   Did it save one soldier?    if so,   then  fine with me.

I doubt any of those prisoners are missing  a head or any fingers.

When a young kid, I had an uncle that ticked me unmercifully,  to me that was torture at the time.. LOL   I lived thru it...

Posted On: Jan 14 2009 8:15AM

Miles Davis  So What

I need to listen to this to restore my faith in human beings after reading your post.

And yes that is Coltrane on sax...



Posted On: Jan 14 2009 8:19AM

Amen, WW
Posted On: Jan 14 2009 8:32AM

First of all before either of you puke,  we have to decide WHAT IS TORTURE, EXACTLY.

Until we do, we will ever be able to discuss..:)

If a man was holding my grandchild captive,  smiling at me, and holding back the info......... HOW FAR WOULD A GRANDMA GO TO GET HER PRECIOUS GRANDCHILD BACK... ???  YOU DECIDE.....  

When the terrorists or thugs in other countries   TORTURE,  it is not to get infor  SHEILA AND WW....  it is to TORTURE....  the fun of torture, plain and simple.... IF AMERICA WOULD TORTURE,  I THINK IT WOULD BE JUST FOR INFO...


so, lets decide WHAT IS TORTURE..


Posted On: Jan 14 2009 8:56AM

I believe the expression is:

"Can't see the forest for the trees."

Posted On: Jan 14 2009 9:54AM

If it saved some American lives then it is fine with me.

Posted On: Jan 14 2009 10:32AM

Torture has been part of the military forever! We trained for it (Army)and it was used on us too for training.I see no beef about using it to get information and it does save lives in the long run! Let the liberals do their whining,their great at that!!!!
Posted On: Jan 14 2009 10:39AM

I believe the expression is:

"Pennywise. Pound foolish."

Posted On: Jan 14 2009 10:55AM

Lets run through the logic.

  • T = Torture

  • Tx = Torture for the fun of it

  • Ts =Torture with intent of protecting national security

  • M = Moral (and Good)

  • -M = Not Moral (and not Good)

Tx -> - M  (if a country tortures for the fun of it, then it is not moral)

Ts -> M (if a country tortures with the intent of national security, then it is moral)

Is this what we are saying?


Posted On: Jan 14 2009 11:07AM

Torture is wrong on ALL levels. Bush and his minions should be held accountable.

We are supposed to be better than this. Apparently we are not.
Posted On: Jan 14 2009 12:00PM

What about the 3000 Americans tortured in the World Trade Centers on 911. 

So much information is classified that we will never know what terrorist events have been stopped.   The terrorists are probably foaming at the mouth now that Obama is almost in office and getting ready for some kind of attack.

Thank you George Bush for all that you did to combat the evil terrorists.

Posted On: Jan 14 2009 12:06PM

Let us be responsible with word choice.  There are other words to describe the horrific events of 911.  And though "torture" is not a bad choice of words to describe the events of that day, if we were speaking this case, while we are speaking more narrowly, the word choice and event referenced is disingenuous.


Posted On: Jan 14 2009 12:20PM

I see  FOSSIL,  and  DFWILLY  are the ones I would look too and depend on if someone had a member of my family hostage !!!

the rest of you are  naive.

Again, what exactly is torture..

Posted On: Jan 14 2009 12:21PM

First of all Bush tortured no one. Some one at GITMO did. Secondly what happened then was legal, so technically and legally no one was tortured. So along with the story that was on Yahoo News yesterday saying Bush should be investigated by Obama are big none stories.
Posted On: Jan 14 2009 12:26PM

I guess I would say the people in the burning buildings were tortured much more than the men at Gitmo.   If we are defining words here then I would not call water boarding torture. 
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