Ron Paul Lashes Out At Israel For Defending Itself Against Hamas | North Dakota News

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Ron Paul Lashes Out At Israel For Defending Itself Against Hamas

Disclaimer: This article is a blog post and does not represent the views or opinions of Reiten Television,, its staff and associates and is wholly owned by the user who posted this content.

The thing about Ron Paul is that on 90% of domestic issues he’s right.  Limited government.  Lower taxes.  Great stuff.  (I’m not sure I’m with him on monetary policy, but nobody’s perfect)

But when Paul opens his mouth on foreign policy I usually cringe in advance of what’s about to come out.  This seven-minute diatribe in which he repeatedly condemns Israel for defending itself against attacks from Hamas, while issuing absolutely no criticism of Hamas for attacking Israel first, is exactly why Ron Paul is and always will be on the political margins no matter how many disaffected college kids and old, lonely cranks wear his t-shirts and wave his signs

By the way, remember when Ron Paul, during his primary campaign for the Republican nomination for President, took money from the Nazis who run and even signed autographs for them?  And posed for pictures?

The silly old kook still hasn’t given that money back

Which is why I’ll never respect him

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Disclaimer: This article is a blog post and does not represent the views or opinions of Reiten Television,, its staff and associates and is wholly owned by the user who posted this content.

Comments Posted by Users

Posted by seeker of justice on Jan 7 2009 9:14AM - The commentator here doesn't have any idea of the reality of what's happening in Gaza. Hamas did not "attack Israel first" on this occasion either. Israel broke the cease-fire repeatedly during the 5 months it was in force, the last time on Nov. 4th when it killed 6 Palestinians. But they also failed to abide by the terms of the cease-fire from the beginning, when they refused to open the borders of Gaza to allow food, goods, and medicines in, as they had promised to do in June, as part of the cease-fire terms. Confirmation of all of this information is out there, as long as you bypass the mainstream US media, who act as cheerleaders for anything Israel does, even tyying to spin Israeli war crimes into trying to make them the victim.

I give Ron Paul credit for speaking out against the Israeli mass murder that is going on- in my opinion he did not condemn them strongly enough.

Posted by bradevans on Jan 7 2009 9:49AM - What an amazingly simple and shortsighted article. Slander at its best.

So when you wall off a population and continue to make them suffer it is ok? You do know about the wall around Gaza don't you?

Things are not so simple as the author would imply.

This situation has not been handled well from the get go.

Ron Paul actually looks at a greater picture than most and does not come to hasty conclusion. There is reason and logic to what he says.

Sound Byte Journalism Sucks !!!

Posted by Tumbleweed on Jan 7 2009 11:56PM - Please people - understand that Ron's great concern is his own beloved country, as it always has been. This flare-up in Gaza signals to him (and to any thinking American) the frightening prospect of yet another foreign entanglement at a time when the US economy is a complete train wreck. He's not anti-Israel; he's just a man with enough brains to recognize what's bad for America, and trying to dissuade people from the virtue of a crusade that might finally destroy the US as it destroyed the USSR. This is not an unreasonable approach for RP to take.

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