Governor Lays Out Plan For State | North Dakota News

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Governor Lays Out Plan For State

Governor John Hoeven says North Dakota remains strong despite problems in the national economy...

Governor Hoeven gave his state of the state speech this afternoon to legislators begining their 2009 session.

Donnell Preskey highlights the Governors speech...

(Gov. John Hoeven) "Ladies and gentlemen, the state of our state is strong." But while North Dakota's economy is still positive Governor Hoeven reminds legislators that 40 some states are facing budget deficits in the next two years

A problem North Dakota doesn't have

(Hoeven) "This is a time to make well placed investments in our economy investments that will stimulate further growth - a time to set aside a healthy reserve for a rainy day annd a time to provide hard working North Dakotan's with tax relief." Hoeven's asking legislators to approve over $400 million in tax relief a move that will put money back in North Dakotan's pockets

Democrats say the issue of income tax relief will more than likely be debated..

(Hoeven) "Think about it, meaningful property tax relief can make the difference between whether a family decides to live and work in Fargo or in Moorhead. In Williston or in Sidney." Hoeven says aggressive economic development has paid off for North Dakota during his time as Governor it's helped build security..

(Donnell Preskey) "Eight years ago, ND did not have funding in reserves. As legislators start the session they're sitting on $600 million and Hoeven wants that to increase to $800 million to $1.2 Billion." (Hoeven) "as we work to drive growth in our key industries, and set aside a strong reserve for the future, we must also make thoughtful investments in our infastructure." He says investing in roads and water will have a dual benefit to North Dakota

(Hoeven) "first it helps to enhance and expand the state's vital public utility and transportantion network and second, it injects dollars into our economy at a critical time to stimulate the economy." Democrats say that's a good move..

(Rep. Merle Boucher / (D) Rolette) on infastructure..

Boucher agrees with Hoeven now is a time to move forward carefully because the state's economy is not insulated from the recession gripping much of the nation.

Boucher says North Dakota's status is very different than it was 4 months ago. He says Hoeven's speech may have had a different tone if he gave it in July when oil prices were at a record high. watch the video | save this article / add to your favorites list

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