59,934,786 is how many people voted against Barack | Minot KXNet.com North Dakota News Talk Forums

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59,934,786 is how many people voted against Barack
Posted On: Jan 5 2009 1:29PM

Hope everyone had a happy holiday and the New Year is off to a bang.... I thought I would start with the fact that almost 60 million people voted against Barack...... Does that mean we get to beat him to death like you did George Bush?


Posted On: Jan 5 2009 1:37PM

Can't  fairandbalanced, he is bi-racial, it would be  a hate crime.. :)
Posted On: Jan 5 2009 1:43PM

I am not for beating any president,but,BUSH, really took a bashing,people should be ashamed of some of the names he was called and still is,not everyone is perfect except the people who do the name calling I guess.The liberal media was the cause of most of it ,blaming him for everything,but he took it as a man,and didn't cry about it,more then other people do, or will, as you will see down road.I DID NOT VOTE FOR OBAMA ,BUT WILL NOT CALL HIM NAMES.
Posted On: Jan 5 2009 4:47PM

I will say that in the last few days, I have read a couple of articles that spoke very kindly of President Bush. 

One article in particular discussed his contest with Karl Rove over who could read the most books.  The article noted that the President's choice of books was for very intellectual and non-mainstream econimic subjects.  Books that not everyone can read and comprehend.  After all, he does have an Ivy League education.

The other article spoke very highly of his intelligence, his lack of patience for tardiness, his inquisitive nature, and the way that he governs from a strong moral compass, all while being able to connect on a personal level with his audience..

Although I have disagreed with many of his decisions, I have nothing but respect for the President, and I think that history will treat him much more kindly than he has been treated during his presidency.


Posted On: Jan 5 2009 5:53PM

How come you don't hear about good part from the media?I totaly agree what you said,I also read the same article as you,but 50%of the people will not agree with it,yes he was and is smarter than mr.gore.

Posted By Joe
ID#: 7886
Posted On: Jan 5 2009 6:44PM

Hey what does that say about you right wing nuts, that you can't beat a black Liberal non-citizen Muslum that pals around with terrorist?
Posted On: Jan 5 2009 7:10PM

I think it says more about the left wingers who were fooled into voting Barry.  

High Doom by Steadyjohn.

Posted By Joe
ID#: 7886
Posted On: Jan 5 2009 7:43PM

Hey Willy,next time you can get Sara and Joe the plumber to run. 

Posted By neon
ID#: 10107
Posted On: Jan 5 2009 8:39PM



Posted By Joe
ID#: 7886
Posted On: Jan 6 2009 3:49AM

Willy, some can say that almost 60 million people are fools. 

Posted On: Jan 6 2009 9:29AM

No Joe,   but we can say that anyone who voted for obama is dumb...

anyone that voted on race alone without knowing or caring about the issues is not smart.

any christian voting for obama for change even though he is FOR BABY KILLING  is not smart.

anyone voting for obama because they think  DRILL BABY DRILL is a bad idea,   is not smart.

anyone voting for obama because  the media loves and worships him,  is not smart...

I didn't vote for him,  I am very smart.. :)

Posted On: Jan 6 2009 9:37AM

Yes I would vote forJoe the(real man) plumber,  and Sarah (mother and responsible govenor)  before I would vote for Barry (no experience friend to terrorists) obama and Joe(master debater and member of the hair club for men) O-biden.  

Scientists have just released new information today on the way a liberal mind works.   The scientists studied the brains of some 1000 liberals and were able to come up with this road-map to the liberal brain.

Posted On: Jan 6 2009 11:18AM

Don'tfreewilly !   I don't know where you get all these wondeful political cartoons,  but you give me my daily laugh....thanks.
Posted On: Jan 6 2009 1:29PM

Barack has only held a job for two years in his entire adult life..... two years..... do you think that he is going to be able to go to work? I mean do you think that Mr. Never Had A Real Job In My Whole Life will be able to do the job or will he just pick people to do the job for him? This is a man who doesn't even want to leave the city of corruption, and feels out of place around 90% black people. This guy is going to be the laziest president we have ever had, and will ultimatley lose his mind when the criticism begins, I love  comedy and watching this laughfest of a Presidency should make me smile daily.. The empty suit has to go to work.... and maybe his wife Atila, will be able to find something to do, besides lay out on the white house couch all day, maybe she should lay around and watch What Not To Wear..... she could use a few tips
Posted On: Jan 6 2009 2:01PM

Very cute veryfairandextremelybalanced.....

I think I will watch  the hair grow grey quickly..................................................


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