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Who is Shoppe?
Posted On: Oct 31 2008 12:02AM

I don't care, at this point, who any of you are going to vote for next week. That's not what I'm writing this for.

I do want to expose Shoppe for what I really believe her to be.  Think about it;  who would have all the time she has to post as much as she does everyday?  Why would anybody spend as much time as she does posting on a website, especially one that's not even in her state? Her only subject is always the same; continuosly bashing Democrats, liberals, immigrants and minorities.  And she is continuosly bringing up lies about Obama. She doesn't talk much about the things that Obama stands for, instead she focuses on him being a "Muslim, a terrorist, a person who socializes with terrorists, an Arab, a non-citizen, ect."  Why does she use so many names?  If she is posting on this website, she must be posting on many others, probably in every state.

Why would a person do this?  She is being paid to do it.

Does anyone know when she started posting on this site?  I bet it's been within the past year.  And I bet all her postings have been about the same things, except now they're getting worse closer to the election.

Mark my word, she's a phony. You may agree with her, but she's still a phony.  Has she succeded in filling you with the hate she spouts?  If she has, she's doing her job well. 

Posted By Uffidah
ID#: 15672
Posted On: Oct 31 2008 12:11AM

Say, I believe you nailed it!  Shoppe is, actually, in fact, without a doubt, absolutely for dead-certain, really none other than, get this, are you ready?  SARAH PALIN !  Well, now it all makes sense, when you add it all up!  I mean, really, how could she be anyone else?

Anyone posting here can claim to be from anywhere.

Posted By Uffidah
ID#: 15672
Posted On: Oct 31 2008 1:01AM

No, wait!  She's really Ann Coulter!  Can't you see how blatantly obvious that is?  Are you really suffering from such a complete lack of vision?  Can't you just hear her on Fox News® ?

Posted By Uffidah
ID#: 15672
Posted On: Oct 31 2008 3:33AM

   I've been unable to sleep, what with this conumdrum banging around in my head.  What if Shoppe is a WITCH?  AHA!  YES, THAT'S IT!  

Posted By Uffidah
ID#: 15672
Posted On: Oct 31 2008 3:48AM

Really, though, you know, if you think about it, it's like, kinda, if you really want to know, Shoppe simply HAS to take her mask off, so we can all see who she really is.  Come on, Shoppe, you can hear the crowd, chanting, "Take it off!  Take it off!"
Posted On: Oct 31 2008 9:31AM

Does she weigh more than a duck?  That would prove it.

Seriously, I've been wondering about the out of state posters who come to a local ND site and belittle and patronize the locals.  I get the idea that it wasn't appreciated when they did it to people in their home states.  They probably got booted off their own local sites and had to come here.  Of course, they may find that the locals here like it even less than their own neighbors.
Posted On: Oct 31 2008 9:39AM

So all you have to do is "whine" about someone on the forum? BIG DEAL!!!!ROTFLMAO!!!!

Posted By Fonzie
ID#: 15729
Posted On: Oct 31 2008 9:46AM

Shoppe is the 450 pounder at the UND football games roaming the sidelines and wearing number 43. 

Posted On: Oct 31 2008 9:55AM

450PDS?  Pretty heavy on the hoof I'd say.

Posted By Fonzie
ID#: 15729
Posted On: Oct 31 2008 12:01PM

Yep, Shoppe is the UND mascot, Mark Kauk
Posted On: Oct 31 2008 3:20PM

Pets, I can't believe that you don't know who Shoppe is.  Like me, Shoppe is a member of the "Vast Right Wing Conspiracy".  We receive HUGE amounts of money from the party for sitting on our computers all day and posting  topics designed to do nothing but make you more paranoid than you already were.

Hell, for all you know, we might even be Karl Rove and Dick Cheney, or maybe Ann Coulter.  Ooooh, scary. 

Perhaps you might better spend your time taking an honest look at your Messiah and his true beliefs than wondering who Shoppe really is.  After all, it is Halloween and the Obama story is the one horror story that makes reasonable people wet their pants.


Posted By Ernie
ID#: 8825
Posted On: Oct 31 2008 4:16PM

SG, "In fact, "Blessed are you when they insult you and persecute you and falsely say every kind of evil against you because of Me."    Matthew 5:11

Posted On: Oct 31 2008 4:46PM

Finally guys,  I have been waiting all day for someone to stick up for me..  Its been tough getting out of my chair today at 450 pounds.  

Pets why so nasty?   Ann coulter, hummmmm well I am not tall enough.   Gov Palin,   well,,,   not quite that shapely.....  Now maybe I really am Karl Rove... I love Karl rove..

Ernie, thats a great scripture,   Conservative  , thumbs up to you man..

I love you all.. 

Posted By jordi
ID#: 15987
Posted On: Oct 31 2008 4:56PM

I wonder if all the prior posts were made by Shoppe.    Now, that would be funny.  I have seen where people will open various accounts to make it look like they have a valid argument and several people are supporting them, when it's all really one person.  That's a pretty sad case when you have that kind of time on your hands.  Wow!  Hmm...multiple personalities online, in one forum.  Some people just need a life. 

Posted By Fonzie
ID#: 15729
Posted On: Oct 31 2008 5:02PM

Allright, you got me.  I'm Shoppe.  I'm a 74 year old grandma who votes libertarian every year.  Go Bob Barr!
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