f90gl Software

Most people will want the latest version, which is currently Version 1.2.13. for both Unix and Windows. When unpacked, it will create a new directory called f90gl-x.x.x (where x.x.x is the current version number) under which everything will be placed. You will also need a new version of GLUT, available below.

Unix: f90gl-1.2.13.tar.gz gzipped tar file (294K)
Win32: f90gl-1.2.13.zip zip file (450K)

Precompiled f90gl libraries are available for some compilers.

Lahey LF90, LF95 and ELF90: http://www.lahey.com (search for OpenGL)

HP CVF (formerly Compaq CVF, formerly Digital DVF) search for f90gl: http://h21007.www2.hp.com/portal/site/dspp/template.PAGE/page.dspp_home

Intel Visual Fortran: http://softwarecommunity.intel.com/ISN/Community/en-US/forums/thread/30223017.aspx

Some precompiled libraries may not include the example programs or the source code for the examples. The following files contain the examples subdirectory from the f90gl distribution.

Unix: fglexamp.tar.gz gzipped tar file (100K)
Win32: fglexamp.zip zip file (157K)

There are several versions of GLUT 3.7 floating around, some of which don't have support for f90gl. If you are having problems with it, use the version available here. Another version that is known to work is MesaGLUT 7.0.3 or newer.

Unix: glut-3.7.1.tar.gz gzipped tar file (472K)
Win32: glut-3.7.1.zip zip file (679K)
Win32 precompiled binary: f90glut.zip zip file (143K)

To compile it on Unix, edit Imakefile to remove test and progs from SUBDIRS, execute mkmkfiles.imake, and make. libglut.a can then be found in lib/glut, and glut.h and glutf90.h are in include/GL. These are the only three files you will need.

Version 1.0 remains available. You might want this version if

  • you have a need to use the old bindings implemented in version 1.0
    (it is recommended that you update your codes to use the revised bindings).
  • you need a Fortran 90 interface for the tk toolkit
    (it is recommended that you use GLUT instead of tk)
  • you need a FORTRAN 77 interface for OpenGL, Mesa, tk or GLUT
    (it is recommended that you upgrade your Fortran compiler to Fortran 90)

    Unix: f90gl-1.0.tgz gzipped tar file (128K)
    Unix: f90gl-1.0.tar.Z Unix compressed tar file (254K)
    DOS: F90GL.EXE self-extracting pkzip file (193K). Experimental. See the README.TXT file.

    As support for additional system configurations becomes available, the makefiles for those systems are made available here. If you would like to contribute your makefiles, send mail to william.mitchell@nist.gov

    The following links are gzipped tar files containing the makefiles for the stated hardware/operating system/compiler/OpenGL:

    (There currently are no new makefiles.)

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    Last change to this page: May 20, 2008
    Date this page created: 1998
    Contact: William Mitchell
    Home Page