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Cooperating Collections

In addition to its libraries in Atlanta, Cleveland, New York, San Francisco, and Washington, D.C., the Foundation Center has a nationwide network comprised of libraries, community foundations, and nonprofit resource centers called Cooperating Collections. In more than 300 locations, these collections provide free access to a core group of Center publications for public reference, access to Internet resources, and some level of instruction on how to do funding research. These libraries provide access to the best and most comprehensive information available on foundations and corporate giving. Every state has at least one Cooperating Collection, and many have collections in more than one city.

Many collections have additional materials, including other Center publications and those of other publishers. They may also have state funding directories, fundraising periodicals, foundation application guidelines and/or annual reports, videotapes, CD-ROMs, and IRS Form 990-PF (IRS returns filed by private foundations). 990-PF forms for all private foundations are also available on the web as PDF links from the Foundation Finder.
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