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   Louisiana Master Gardener Program
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Louisiana Master Gardener™ Program
Louisiana Master Gardener Logo

The Louisiana Master Gardener™ program is a service and educational activity offered by the LSU AgCenter. The program is designed to recruit and train volunteers to help meet the educational needs of home gardeners while providing an enjoyable and worthwhile service experience for volunteers.

The Louisiana Master Gardener™ program was started in Baton Rouge, Louisiana, in 1994 as a means of extending the educational outreach of the LSU AgCenter, Louisiana Cooperative Extension Service.

Who are Louisiana Master Gardener™ Volunteers?
Anyone with a willingness to learn and desire to help others can become a Louisiana Master Gardener™. Volunteers should be interested in horticulture, willing to help people, outgoing, flexible, dependable, unbiased and open-minded. Previous volunteer work and good verbal skills are desirable.

Louisiana Master Gardeners are Active in the Felicianas
Spring Stroll

There are currently 14 active Louisiana Master Gardeners in the Felicianas. They were all trained through the East Baton Rouge program, but they have been involved with several service and educational programs in the Felicianas.

Is the LMG Program for You?
If you have the desire, commitment and time to learn and want to put your knowledge and skills to work through volunteer service, then apply for admission to the Master Gardener program.
Volunteer Responsibilities
Defines Louisiana Master Gardener volunteer responsibilities.
Volunteer Activities
As a Master Gardener, you have volunteered to do work related to horticulture for your local Extension office. A list of suggestions is included.
Program Expectations
After completing the course, Master Gardeners are required to volunteer at least 40 hours of service in the parish Extension office or in the community. The volunteer activities are coordinated through the parish Extension office.
The Paycheck
As you know, volunteers are not paid with money, but we hope that the gratitude of your fellow paid workers in the Extension office and the district and state staff will help you feel that your work is appreciated.
2009 Get It Growing Calendar
Lawn and Garden Publications
2009 Louisiana Master Gardener State Conference