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HIV/AIDS Surveillance in Injection Drug Users (through 2006)
Instructions for downloading and using HIV/AIDS surveillance slides.

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Slide 1: Estimated Number of AIDS Cases among Adults and Adolescents, by Transmission Category, 1985–2006—United States and Dependent Areas
The estimated number of AIDS cases diagnosed among injection drug users in the United States and dependent areas increased during 1985-1993, and decreased thereafter.  During 1993, an estimated 23,364 AIDS cases were diagnosed among injection drug users (IDUs).  In 2006, an estimated 7,153 AIDS cases were diagnosed among IDUs.  Among men who have sex with men and who also inject drugs, 6,300 received a diagnosis of AIDS in 1992. After 1992, a decreasing trend occurred in this group; in 2006, an estimated 1,844 men who have sex with men and who also inject drugs received a diagnosis of AIDS.
Slide 1
Estimated Number of AIDS Cases among Adults and Adolescents, by Transmission Category 1985–2006—United States and Dependent Areas
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Slide 2: Estimated Number and Proportion of AIDS Cases among Adult and Adolescent Injection Drug Users, 1985–2006—United States and Dependent Areas

During 1985-2006, the proportion of AIDS cases among injection drug users (IDUs) ranged from a minimum of about 20% to a maximum of 30% in the United States and dependent areas: 19% from 1985 through 1986; gradual increase through 1993; 30% in 1993 through 1994; gradual decrease from 1994 onward; and 19% in 2006. The greatest number of AIDS cases among IDUs was 23,364 in 1993. During 2002-2006, the mean number of AIDS cases diagnosed among injection drug users was 8,266 per year.
Slide 2
Estimated Number and Proportion of AIDS Cases among Adult and Adolescent Injection Drug Users, 1985–2006—United States and Dependent Areas
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Slide 3: Estimated Number and Proportion of AIDS Cases, by Sex and Transmission Category among Adults and Adolescents, 2006—United States and Dependent Areas

In 2006, the estimated number of AIDS diagnoses (27,694) among male adults and adolescents in the United States and dependent areas was nearly 3 times the number among females (10,121). Among males, 17% of AIDS diagnoses were attributed to injection drug use, and 7% to male-to-male sexual contact and injection drug use. Among females, 24% of AIDS diagnoses were attributed to injection drug use.
Slide 3
Estimated Number and Proportion of AIDS Cases, by Sex and Transmission Category among Adults and Adolescents, 2006—United States and Dependent Areas
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Slide 4: Estimated Number of AIDS Cases among Male Adult and Adolescent Injection Drug Users, by Race/Ethnicity, 2006—50 States and DC

In 2006, an estimated 4,410 AIDS cases were diagnosed among male adult and adolescent IDUs in the fifty states and District of Columbia.  Of AIDS cases diagnosed among IDUs, an estimated 2,306 were among black (not Hispanic) males. The number of AIDS cases diagnosed among black (not Hispanic) male IDUs was more than twice that of their white (not Hispanic) counterparts. The number of AIDS cases diagnosed among Hispanic male IDUs nearly equaled that of white (not Hispanic) male IDUs.
Slide 4
Estimated Number of AIDS Cases among Male Adult and Adolescent Injection Drug Users, by Race/Ethnicity, 2006—50 States and DC
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Slide 5: Estimated Number of AIDS Cases among Female Adult and Adolescent Injection Drug Users, by Race/Ethnicity, 2006—50 States and DC

In 2006, an estimated 2,385 AIDS cases were diagnosed among female adult and adolescent IDUs in the fifty states and District of Columbia.  Of AIDS cases diagnosed among female IDUs, an estimated 1,396 were among black (not Hispanic) females. The number of AIDS cases diagnosed among black (not Hispanic) female IDUs was 2.5 times that of their white (not Hispanic) counterparts. The number of AIDS cases diagnosed among white (not Hispanic) female IDUs was 1.5 times that of Hispanic female IDUs.
Slide 5
Estimated Number of AIDS Cases among Female Adult and Adolescent Injection Drug Users, by Race/Ethnicity, 2006—50 States and DC
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Slide 6: Proportion of AIDS Cases among Adults and Adolescents, by IDU-related Transmission Category, 2006—United States and Dependent Areas

Two standard transmission categories and one expanded transmission category are collectively referred to as transmission categories related to injection drug use (IDU-related), and these three categories are mutually exclusive: injection drug use; male-to-male sexual contact and injection drug use; and heterosexual contact with an injection drug user. In 2006, an estimated 10,700 AIDS cases related to injection drug use were diagnosed among adults and adolescents in the United States and dependent areas. Of these IDU-related diagnoses: 67% were attributed to injection drug use; 17% to male-to-male sexual contact and injection drug use; and 16% to heterosexual contact with an injection drug user.
Slide 6
Proportion of AIDS Cases among Adults and Adolescents, by IDU-related Transmission Category, 2006—United States and Dependent Areas
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Slide 7: Proportion of AIDS Cases among Adults and Adolescents, by IDU-related Transmission Category, 2006—United States and Dependent Areas

Two standard transmission categories and one expanded transmission category are collectively referred to as transmission categories related to injection drug use (IDU-related), and these three categories are mutually exclusive: injection drug use; male-to-male sexual contact and injection drug use; and heterosexual contact with an injection drug user. For all age groups, most (67%) of the IDU-related AIDS cases diagnosed in 2006 were among injection drug users in the United States and dependent areas. The proportion of AIDS diagnoses attributed to heterosexual contact with an injection drug user decreased with increasing age. Except for AIDS cases diagnosed among 13-19 year olds, the proportions of AIDS diagnoses attributed to either heterosexual sex with an injection drug user or MSM & IDU were generally of the same magnitude.
Slide 7
Proportion of AIDS Cases among Adults and Adolescents, by IDU-related Transmission Category, 2006—United States and Dependent Areas
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Slide 8: Proportion of AIDS Cases among Adult and Adolescent Injection Drug Users and Heterosexual Sex Partners of Injection Drug Users, by Race/Ethnicity and Age Group at Diagnosis, 2006—United States and Dependent Areas

Men who have sex with men and who also inject drugs may have become infected by either the sexual or the parenteral route. By contrast, heterosexual sex partners of injection drug users most likely became infected by the sexual route. To exclude infections that may have been transmitted sexually between men, only injection drug users and heterosexual sex partners of injection drug users are included in this slide. In 2006, an estimated 8,857 cases of AIDS were diagnosed among injection drug users and their heterosexual sex partners in the United States and dependent areas.  Blacks (not Hispanic) accounted for most (53%) of this subset of IDU–related diagnoses in 2006 in the United States and dependent areas. Hispanics accounted for 23% and whites (not Hispanic) for 22% of this subset of IDU-related AIDS diagnoses. In all age groups, Asians/Pacific Islanders and American Indians/Alaska Natives each accounted for 1% of this subset of IDU-related AIDS diagnoses (data not shown).
Slide 8
Proportion of AIDS Cases among Adult and Adolescent Injection Drug Users and Heterosexual Sex Partners of Injection Drug Users, by Race/Ethnicity and Age Group at Diagnosis, 2006—United States and Dependent Areas
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Slide 9: Proportion of AIDS Cases among Adult and Adolescent Males, IDU-related Transmission Category and by Race/Ethnicity, 2002–2006—50 States and DC

Two standard transmission categories and one expanded transmission category are collectively referred to as transmission categories related to injection drug use (IDU-related), and these three categories are mutually exclusive: injection drug use; male-to-male sexual contact and injection drug use; and heterosexual contact with an injection drug user.  From 2002-2006, an estimated 37,286 AIDS cases related to injection drug use were diagnosed among adult and adolescent males in the fifty states and District of Columbia.  The greatest number (19,094) of IDU-related diagnoses among males was among blacks; over twice as many cases were diagnosed in black males as in white males, and nearly three times as many as in Hispanic males.  Across racial/ethnic groups, the greatest proportion of AIDS cases was attributable to injection drug use; for example, 70% of the 7,450 cases diagnosed among Hispanic males were attributable to injection drug use. Similarly, the second greatest proportion of AIDS cases was attributable to male-to-male sexual contact.  Across racial/ethnic groups, heterosexual contact with an injection drug user was the least common transmission category.  For example, 9% of the 19,094 cases diagnosed among black males were most likely transmitted by heterosexual contact with an injection drug user.  Other than American Indian/Alaska Native males, white males had the smallest proportion (53%) of IDU-related AIDS diagnoses attributed to injection drug use and the greatest proportion (41%) of these diagnoses were attributed to male-to-male sexual contact and injection drug use.
Slide 9
Proportion of AIDS Cases among Adult and Adolescent Males, IDU-related Transmission Category and by Race/Ethnicity, 2002–2006—50 States and DC
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Slide 10: Proportion of AIDS Cases among Adult and Adolescent Females, by IDU-related Transmission Category and Race/Ethnicity, 2002–2006—50 States and DC

Among adult and adolescent females, one standard transmission category and one expanded transmission category are collectively referred to as transmission categories related to injection drug use (IDU-related), and these two categories are mutually exclusive: injection drug use; and heterosexual contact with an injection drug user.  From 2002-2006, an estimated 19,203 IDU-related AIDS cases were diagnosed among adult and adolescent females in the fifty states and District of Columbia.  The greatest number (11,771) of IDU-related diagnoses among females was among blacks; nearly three times as many were among black females than among white females, and over four times as many as among Hispanic females.   Across racial/ethnic groups, the distribution of IDU-related HIV/AIDS diagnoses among females were comparable; an exception to this pattern was observed among the relatively low number of AIDS cases diagnosed among Asian/Pacific Islander females, with transmission category proportions more evenly divided between injection drug use and heterosexual contact with an injection drug user.
Slide 10
Proportion of AIDS Cases among Adult and Adolescent Females, by IDU-related Transmission Category and Race/Ethnicity, 2002–2006—50 States and DC
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Slide 11: Estimated Number of AIDS Cases among Adult and Adolescent Injection Drug Users, by Area of Residence at Diagnosis, 2006—United States and Dependent Areas

In 2006, an estimated 7,153 AIDS cases were diagnosed among IDUs in the United States and dependent areas. The greatest numbers of diagnoses were in New York (1,397), Pennsylvania (630), and Florida (558).
Slide 11
Estimated Number of AIDS Cases among Adult and Adolescent Injection Drug Users, by Area of Residence at Diagnosis, 2006—United States and Dependent Areas
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Slide 12: Estimated Number of AIDS Cases among Adult and Adolescent Injection Drug Users and Heterosexual Sex Partners of Injection Drug Users, by Region, 2006—50 States and DC

Men who have sex with men and who also injected drugs may have become infected by either the sexual or the parenteral route. By contrast, heterosexual sex partners of injection drug users most likely become infected by the sexual route. To exclude infections that may have been transmitted sexually between men, only injection drug users and heterosexual sex partners of injection drug users are included in this slide. In 2006, an estimated 8,465 cases of AIDS were diagnosed among injection drug users and heterosexual sex partners of injection drug users residing in the fifty states and District of Columbia.  In 2006, the South had the greatest number of AIDS diagnoses among injection drug users (2,743). The South had the greatest number of AIDS diagnoses among heterosexual sex partners of injection drug users (844). The Midwest and the West had the fewest number of diagnoses among injection drug users and their heterosexual sex partners.  Inter-region comparisons of case counts should be made cautiously because the four regions vary by number of jurisdictions and by population size.

Regions of residence at time of diagnosis are defined as follows.  Northeast: Connecticut; Maine; Massachusetts; New Hampshire; New Jersey; New York; Pennsylvania; Rhode Island; and Vermont.  Midwest: Illinois; Indiana; Iowa; Kansas; Michigan; Minnesota; Missouri; Nebraska; North Dakota; Ohio; South Dakota; and Wisconsin.  South: Alabama; Arkansas; Delaware; District of Columbia; Florida; Georgia; Kentucky; Louisiana; Maryland; Mississippi; North Carolina; Oklahoma; South Carolina; Tennessee; Texas; Virginia; and West Virginia. West: Alaska; Arizona; California; Colorado; Hawaii; Idaho; Montana; Nevada; New Mexico; Oregon; Utah; Washington; and Wyoming.
Slide 12
Estimated Number of AIDS Cases among Adult and Adolescent Injection Drug Users and Heterosexual Sex Partners of Injection Drug Users, by Region, 2006—50 States and DC
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Slide 13: Estimated Number of AIDS Cases among Adult and Adolescent Injection Drug Users, by Region and Race/Ethnicity, 2006—50 States and DC

In 2006, an estimated 6,830 cases of AIDS were diagnosed among injection drug users residing in the fifty states and District of Columbia.  Of these AIDS cases, the greatest number of diagnoses among injection drug users (IDUs) was among residents of the South (2,743), followed by residents of the Northeast (2,697). In all regions except the West, the largest proportion of AIDS diagnoses among IDUs was among blacks (not Hispanic). In the Northeast, blacks (not Hispanic) accounted for 1,307 (48%), and Hispanics accounted for 776 (29%) of AIDS diagnoses among IDUs.  Inter-region comparisons of case counts should be made cautiously because the four regions vary by number of jurisdictions and by population size.  In the South, blacks accounted for 1,847 (67%) of AIDS diagnoses among IDUs.  

Regions of residence at time of diagnosis are defined as follows.  Northeast: Connecticut; Maine; Massachusetts; New Hampshire; New Jersey; New York; Pennsylvania; Rhode Island; and Vermont.  Midwest: Illinois; Indiana; Iowa; Kansas; Michigan; Minnesota; Missouri; Nebraska; North Dakota; Ohio; South Dakota; and Wisconsin.  South: Alabama; Arkansas; Delaware; District of Columbia; Florida; Georgia; Kentucky; Louisiana; Maryland; Mississippi; North Carolina; Oklahoma; South Carolina; Tennessee; Texas; Virginia; and West Virginia. West: Alaska; Arizona; California; Colorado; Hawaii; Idaho; Montana; Nevada; New Mexico; Oregon; Utah; Washington; and Wyoming.
Slide 13
AIDS Rates for Adults and Adolescents, by Population of Area of Residence and Region, Reported in 2006 50 States and DC
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Slide 14: Estimated Number of Adult and Adolescent Injection Drug Users Living with AIDS, by Sex, 2006—United States and Dependent Areas

In 2006, an estimated 66,825 male and 32,617 female adult and adolescent injection drug users in the United States and dependent areas were living with AIDS. New York was the state with the greatest number of injection drug users living with AIDS: 24,542 (16,488 males and 8,053 females).  Burdens are exceptionally heavy in jurisdictions such as Washington, D.C., and Puerto Rico; D.C. ranks thirteenth by number of injection drug users living with AIDS but only fifty-first by number of residents (data not shown), and Puerto Rico ranks eighth by number of injection drug users living with AIDS  but only twenty-seventh by number of residents (data not shown).  The state with the fewest injection drug users living with AIDS was North Dakota.
Slide 14
Estimated Number of Adult and Adolescent Injection Drug Users Living with AIDS, by Sex, 2006—United States and Dependent Areas
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Slide 15: Estimated Number of HIV/AIDS Cases among Adults and Adolescents, by Transmission Category, 2003–2006—33 states

From 2003 through 2006, in 33 states with confidential name-based HIV infection reporting, the estimated number of HIV/AIDS diagnoses decreased among injection drug users and also among men who have sex with men and who also inject drugs. The estimated number of HIV/AIDS diagnoses among injection drug users decreased by 15%—from 5,541 in 2003 to 4,728 in 2006. The estimated number of HIV/AIDS diagnoses among men who had sex with men and also injected drugs decreased by 13%—from 1,349 in 2003 to 1,180 in 2006.

The 33 states with confidential name-based HIV infection reporting since at least 2001 are Alabama, Alaska, Arizona, Arkansas, Colorado, Florida, Idaho, Indiana, Iowa, Kansas, Louisiana, Michigan, Minnesota, Mississippi, Missouri, Nebraska, Nevada, New Jersey, New Mexico, New York, North Carolina, North Dakota, Ohio, Oklahoma, South Carolina, South Dakota, Tennessee, Texas, Utah, Virginia, West Virginia, Wisconsin, and Wyoming.
Slide 15
Estimated Number of HIV/AIDS Cases among Adults and Adolescents, by Transmission Category, 2003–2006—33 states
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Slide 16: Proportion of HIV/AIDS Cases among Adults and Adolescents, by Sex and Transmission Category, 2006—33 States

In 2006, the estimated number of HIV/AIDS diagnoses (25,928) among male adults and adolescents in the 33 states with confidential name-based HIV infection reporting was nearly 3 times the number for females (9,252). Among males, 12% of HIV/AIDS diagnoses were attributed to injection drug use, and 5% to male-to-male sexual contact and IDU. Among females, 18% of HIV/AIDS diagnoses were attributed to injection drug use.

The 33 states with confidential name-based HIV infection reporting since at least 2001 are Alabama, Alaska, Arizona, Arkansas, Colorado, Florida, Idaho, Indiana, Iowa, Kansas, Louisiana, Michigan, Minnesota, Mississippi, Missouri, Nebraska, Nevada, New Jersey, New Mexico, New York, North Carolina, North Dakota, Ohio, Oklahoma, South Carolina, South Dakota, Tennessee, Texas, Utah, Virginia, West Virginia, Wisconsin, and Wyoming.
Slide 16
Proportion of HIV/AIDS Cases among Adults and Adolescents, by Sex and Transmission Category, 2006—33 States
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Slide 17: Proportion of HIV/AIDS Cases among Male Adult and Adolescent Injection Drug Users and Male Population by Race/Ethnicity, 2006—33 States

In this slide, the population distribution (shown at the right) reflects the adult and adolescent male population as of the end of 2006 in the 33 states with name-based HIV reporting.  This comparison between number of diagnoses and racial composition of the male subpopulation highlights racial disparities.   In 2006, HIV/AIDS was diagnosed among an estimated 3,016 male adult and adolescent injection drug users in the 33 states with confidential name-based HIV infection reporting. Black (not Hispanic) males accounted for 52% of these diagnoses and for 12% of the male population in the 33 states. Hispanic males accounted for 22% of these diagnoses and for 13% of the male population. By contrast, white (not Hispanic) males accounted for 24% of these diagnoses and for 71% of the male population.

The 33 states with confidential name-based HIV infection reporting since at least 2001 are Alabama, Alaska, Arizona, Arkansas, Colorado, Florida, Idaho, Indiana, Iowa, Kansas, Louisiana, Michigan, Minnesota, Mississippi, Missouri, Nebraska, Nevada, New Jersey, New Mexico, New York, North Carolina, North Dakota, Ohio, Oklahoma, South Carolina, South Dakota, Tennessee, Texas, Utah,  Virginia, West Virginia, Wisconsin, and Wyoming.
Slide 17
Proportion of HIV/AIDS Cases among Male Adult and Adolescent Injection Drug Users and Male Population by Race/Ethnicity, 2006—33 States
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Slide 18: Proportion of HIV/AIDS Cases among Female Adult and Adolescent Injection Drug Users and Female Population by Race/Ethnicity, 2006—33 States

In this slide, the population distribution (shown at the right) reflects the adult and adolescent female population as of the end of 2006 in the 33 states with name-based HIV reporting.  This comparison between number of diagnoses and racial composition of the male subpopulation highlights racial disparities.   In 2006, HIV/AIDS was diagnosed among an estimated 1,712 female adult and adolescent injection drug users in the 33 states with confidential, name-based HIV case reporting. Black (not Hispanic) females accounted for 56% of these diagnoses and for 13% of the female population in the 33 states. Hispanic females accounted for 15% of these diagnoses and for 12% of the female population. By contrast, white (not Hispanic) females accounted for 28% of these diagnoses and for 71% of the female population.
The 33 states with confidential name-based HIV infection reporting since at least 2001 are Alabama, Alaska, Arizona, Arkansas, Colorado, Florida, Idaho, Indiana, Iowa, Kansas, Louisiana, Michigan, Minnesota, Mississippi, Missouri, Nebraska, Nevada, New Jersey, New Mexico, New York, North Carolina, North Dakota, Ohio, Oklahoma, South Carolina, South Dakota, Tennessee, Texas, Utah, Virginia, West Virginia, Wisconsin, and Wyoming.
Slide 18
Proportion of HIV/AIDS Cases among Female Adult and Adolescent Injection Drug Users and Female Population by Race/Ethnicity, 2006—33 States
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Slide 19: Estimated Number of HIV/AIDS Cases among Adult and Adolescent Injection Drug Users, 2006—33 States

In 2006, an estimated 4,728 cases of HIV/AIDS were diagnosed among injection drug users in the 33 states with confidential name-based HIV infection reporting. States with the greatest number of cases included New York (1,233), Florida (636), Texas (620), and New Jersey (511).   North Dakota and Wyoming had the fewest cases (<10) among IDU.

The 33 states with confidential name-based HIV infection reporting since at least 2001 are Alabama, Alaska, Arizona, Arkansas, Colorado, Florida, Idaho, Indiana, Iowa, Kansas, Louisiana, Michigan, Minnesota, Mississippi, Missouri, Nebraska, Nevada, New Jersey, New Mexico, New York, North Carolina, North Dakota, Ohio, Oklahoma, South Carolina, South Dakota, Tennessee, Texas, Utah, Virginia, West Virginia, Wisconsin, and Wyoming.
Slide 19
Estimated Number of HIV/AIDS Cases among Adult and Adolescent Injection Drug Users, 2006—33 States
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Slide 20: Estimated Number of HIV/AIDS Cases among Male Adult and Adolescent Injection Drug Users by Race/Ethnicity, 2006—33 States

In 2006, in the 33 states with confidential name-based HIV infection reporting, an estimated 3,016 HIV/AIDS cases were diagnosed among male adult and adolescent injection drug users. Of these diagnoses, 1,561 (52%) were among black (not Hispanic) males. The number of HIV/AIDS diagnoses among black (not Hispanic) male injection drug users (1,561) was more than twice as many as  among white (not Hispanic) male injection drug users (739). The number of HIV/AIDS cases diagnosed among Hispanic male injection drug users (655) nearly equaled the number among white (not Hispanic) male injection drug users (739).
The 33 states with confidential name-based HIV infection reporting since at least 2001 are Alabama, Alaska, Arizona, Arkansas, Colorado, Florida, Idaho, Indiana, Iowa, Kansas, Louisiana, Michigan, Minnesota, Mississippi, Missouri, Nebraska, Nevada, New Jersey, New Mexico, New York, North Carolina, North Dakota, Ohio, Oklahoma, South Carolina, South Dakota, Tennessee, Texas, Utah, Virginia, West Virginia, Wisconsin, and Wyoming.
Slide 20
Estimated Number of HIV/AIDS Cases among Male Adult and Adolescent Injection Drug Users by Race/Ethnicity, 2006—33 States
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Slide 21: Estimated Number of HIV/AIDS Cases among Female Adult and Adolescent Injection Drug Users by Race/Ethnicity, 2006—33 States

In 2006, in the 33 states with confidential name-based HIV infection reporting, an estimated 1,712 cases of HIV/AIDS were diagnosed among female adult and adolescent injection drug users. Of these diagnoses, 952 (56%) were among black (not Hispanic) females. The number of diagnoses among black (not Hispanic) female injection drug users (952) was more than twice the number among white (not Hispanic) female injection drug users (471). The number among Hispanic female injection drug users (257) was nearly half the number among white (not Hispanic) female injection drug users.
The 33 states with confidential name-based HIV infection reporting since at least 2001 are Alabama, Alaska, Arizona, Arkansas, Colorado, Florida, Idaho, Indiana, Iowa, Kansas, Louisiana, Michigan, Minnesota, Mississippi, Missouri, Nebraska, Nevada, New Jersey, New Mexico, New York, North Carolina, North Dakota, Ohio, Oklahoma, South Carolina, South Dakota, Tennessee, Texas, Utah, Virginia, West Virginia, Wisconsin, and Wyoming.
Slide 21
Estimated Number of HIV/AIDS Cases among Female Adult and Adolescent Injection Drug Users by Race/Ethnicity, 2006—33 States
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Slide 22: Proportion of HIV/AIDS Cases among Male Adult and Adolescent Injection Drug Users, by Race/Ethnicity 2003–2006—33 States

From 2003-2006, an estimated 12,591 HIV/AIDS cases were diagnosed among adult and adolescent male injection drug users in 33 states with confidential name-based HIV infection reporting.  The number of diagnoses decreased (by 14%) from 3,514 in 2003 to 3,016 in 2006.  The proportion of HIV/AIDS diagnoses accounted for by whites increased from 21% in 2003 to 25% in 2006.  By contrast, the proportion of diagnoses among blacks and Hispanics decreased slightly from 2003-2006. 
The 33 states with confidential name-based HIV infection reporting since at least 2001 are Alabama, Alaska, Arizona, Arkansas, Colorado, Florida, Idaho, Indiana, Iowa, Kansas, Louisiana, Michigan, Minnesota, Mississippi, Missouri, Nebraska, Nevada, New Jersey, New Mexico, New York, North Carolina, North Dakota, Ohio, Oklahoma, South Carolina, South Dakota, Tennessee, Texas, Utah, Virginia, West Virginia, Wisconsin, and Wyoming.
Slide 22
Proportion of HIV/AIDS Cases among Male Adult and Adolescent Injection Drug Users, by Race/Ethnicity 2003–2006—33 States
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Slide 23: Proportion of HIV/AIDS Cases among Female Adult and Adolescent Injection Drug Users, by Race/Ethnicity, 2003–2006—33 States

From 2003-2006, an estimated 7,314 HIV/AIDS cases were diagnosed among adult and adolescent female injection drug users in 33 states with confidential name-based HIV infection reporting.  The number of diagnoses decreased (by 11%) from 2,027 in 2003 to 1,712 in 2006.  The proportion of HIV/AIDS diagnoses accounted for by whites increased from 24% in 2003, to 28% in 2006.  By contrast, the proportion of diagnoses among blacks decreased slightly from 2003-2006.

The 33 states with confidential name-based HIV infection reporting since at least 2001 are Alabama, Alaska, Arizona, Arkansas, Colorado, Florida, Idaho, Indiana, Iowa, Kansas, Louisiana, Michigan, Minnesota, Mississippi, Missouri, Nebraska, Nevada, New Jersey, New Mexico, New York, North Carolina, North Dakota, Ohio, Oklahoma, South Carolina, South Dakota, Tennessee, Texas, Utah, Virginia, West Virginia, Wisconsin, and Wyoming.
Slide 23
Proportion of HIV/AIDS Cases among Female Adult and Adolescent Injection Drug Users, by Race/Ethnicity, 2003–2006—33 States
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Slide 24: Estimated Number of Adult and Adolescent Injection Drug Users Living with HIV Infection (not AIDS), by Sex, 2006—33 States

In 2006, an estimated 21,157 male adult and adolescent injection drug users (IDUs) and an estimated 14,186 female injection drug users in the 33 states with confidential name-based HIV infection reporting were living with HIV infection (not AIDS). Morbidity burdens tend to be commensurate with population size. New York had the greatest number of injection drug users living with HIV infection (not AIDS): 5,411 males and 3,914 females. North Dakota and Wyoming had the fewest injection drug users living with HIV infection (not AIDS) (data not shown).

The 33 states with confidential name-based HIV infection reporting since at least 2001 are Alabama, Alaska, Arizona, Arkansas, Colorado, Florida, Idaho, Indiana, Iowa, Kansas, Louisiana, Michigan, Minnesota, Mississippi, Missouri, Nebraska, Nevada, New Jersey, New Mexico, New York, North Carolina, North Dakota, Ohio, Oklahoma, South Carolina, South Dakota, Tennessee, Texas, Utah, Virginia, West Virginia, Wisconsin, and Wyoming.
Slide 24
Estimated Number of Adult and Adolescent Injection Drug Users Living with HIV Infection (not AIDS), by Sex, 2006—33 States
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Slide 25: Proportion of Reported Cases of HIV Infection (not AIDS) among Adults and Adolescents by IDU-related Transmission Category, 2006—50 Areas

This slide shows data from 50 jurisdictions (45 states and 5 dependent areas) with confidential, named-based HIV infection reporting as of December 31, 2006. These data have not been adjusted for reporting delays or missing risk factor information. Two standard transmission categories and one expanded transmission category are collectively referred to as transmission categories related to injection drug use (IDU-related), and these three categories are mutually exclusive: injection drug use; male-to-male sexual contact and injection drug use; and heterosexual contact with an injection drug user. In 2006, these 50 jurisdictions reported 8,638 IDU-related cases of HIV infection (not AIDS) among adults and adolescents. Of these IDU-related cases, 65% were attributable to injection drug use, 23% to male-to-male sexual contact and injection drug use, and 12% to heterosexual contact with an injection drug user.

The 50 jurisdictions with confidential name-based HIV infection reporting as of December 31, 2006, are Alabama, Alaska, Arizona, Arkansas, California, Colorado, Connecticut, Delaware, Florida, Georgia, Idaho, Illinois, Indiana, Iowa, Kansas, Kentucky, Louisiana, Maine, Michigan, Minnesota, Mississippi, Missouri, Nebraska, Nevada, New Hampshire, New Jersey, New Mexico, New York, North Carolina, North Dakota, Ohio, Oklahoma, Oregon, Pennsylvania, Rhode Island, South Carolina, South Dakota, Tennessee, Texas, Utah, Virginia, Washington, West Virginia, Wisconsin, Wyoming, American Samoa, Guam, Northern Mariana Islands, Puerto Rico, and U.S. Virgin Islands.
Slide 25
Proportion of Reported Cases of HIV Infection (not AIDS) among Adults and Adolescents by IDU-related Transmission Category, 2006—50 Areas
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Slide 26: Proportion of Reported Cases of HIV infection (not AIDS) among Adults and Adolescents, by IDU-Related Transmission Category and Age Group, 2006—50 Areas

This slide shows data from the 50 jurisdictions (45 states and 5 dependent areas) with confidential named-based HIV infection reporting as of December 31, 2006. These data have not been adjusted for reporting delays or missing risk factor information. Two standard transmission categories and one expanded transmission category are collectively referred to as related to injection drug use (IDU-related), and these three categories are mutually exclusive: injection drug use; male-to-male sexual contact and injection drug use; and heterosexual contact with an injection drug user. For all age groups, most (65%) of the IDU-related cases of HIV infection (not AIDS) reported from the 50 jurisdictions were attributable to injection drug use. The proportion of IDU-related cases among injection drug users increased with increasing age.  The proportion of IDU-related cases among men who have sex with men and who also injected drugs decreased with increasing age.

The 50 jurisdictions with confidential name-based HIV infection reporting as of December 31, 2006, are Alabama, Alaska, Arizona, Arkansas, California, Colorado, Connecticut, Delaware, Florida, Georgia, Idaho, Illinois, Indiana, Iowa, Kansas, Kentucky, Louisiana, Maine, Michigan, Minnesota, Mississippi, Missouri, Nebraska, Nevada, New Hampshire, New Jersey, New Mexico, New York, North Carolina, North Dakota, Ohio, Oklahoma, Oregon, Pennsylvania, Rhode Island, South Carolina, South Dakota, Tennessee, Texas, Utah, Virginia, Washington, West Virginia, Wisconsin, Wyoming, American Samoa, Guam, Northern Mariana Islands, Puerto Rico, and U.S. Virgin Islands.
Slide 26
Proportion of Reported Cases of HIV infection (not AIDS) among Adults and Adolescents, by IDU-Related Transmission Category and Age Group, 2006—50 Areas
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Slide 27: Reported Cases of HIV Infection (not AIDS) Related to Injection Drug Use among Adults and Adolescents, by Race/Ethnicity and Age Group, Cumulative through 2006—50 Areas

This slide shows data from the 50 jurisdictions (45 states and 5 dependent areas) with confidential named-based HIV infection reporting as of December 31, 2006. These data have not been adjusted for reporting delays or missing risk factor information. Two standard transmission categories and one expanded transmission category are collectively referred to as related to injection drug use (IDU-related), and these three categories are mutually exclusive: injection drug use; male-to-male sexual contact and injection drug use; and heterosexual contact with an injection drug user. Of 58,277 cases of IDU-related HIV infection (not AIDS) reported from the 50 jurisdictions cumulatively through 2006, 47% were among blacks (not Hispanic), 30% were among whites (not Hispanic), and 20% were among Hispanics. The proportion of IDU-related cases among whites generally decreased with increasing age. The proportion of IDU-related cases among blacks generally increased with increasing age. The proportion of IDU-related cases among Hispanics was similar for all age groups. Asians/Pacific Islanders (all age groups) accounted for less than 1%, and American Indians/Alaska Natives (all age groups) accounted for 1% of IDU-related cases (data not shown).

The 50 jurisdictions with confidential name-based HIV infection reporting as of December 31, 2006, are Alabama, Alaska, Arizona, Arkansas, California, Colorado, Connecticut, Delaware, Florida, Georgia, Idaho, Illinois, Indiana, Iowa, Kansas, Kentucky, Louisiana, Maine, Michigan, Minnesota, Mississippi, Missouri, Nebraska, Nevada, New Hampshire, New Jersey, New Mexico, New York, North Carolina, North Dakota, Ohio, Oklahoma, Oregon, Pennsylvania, Rhode Island, South Carolina, South Dakota, Tennessee, Texas, Utah, Virginia, Washington, West Virginia, Wisconsin, Wyoming, American Samoa, Guam, Northern Mariana Islands, Puerto Rico, and U.S. Virgin Islands.
Slide 27
Reported Cases of HIV Infection (not AIDS) Related to Injection Drug Use among Adults and Adolescents, by Race/Ethnicity and Age Group, Cumulative through 2006—50 Areas
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Last Modified: December 4, 2008
Last Reviewed: December 4, 2008
Content Source:
Divisions of HIV/AIDS Prevention
National Center for HIV/AIDS, Viral Hepatitis, STD, and TB Prevention
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