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Announcements affecting BC and Canadian Farmers

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Agriwebinar: Outlook on Organic Agriculture Trends & Transition Process

Monday, November 10th at Noon, EST

Dr. Andrew Hammermeister of the Organic Agriculture Centre of Canada.
To Register for Agriwebinar access -

FAQs on Agriwebinar (how it works, what you need)
Agriwebinar Archives at

3rd Biennial Organic Connections Conference
November 16 to 18, 2008, in Grand Salon, TCU Place, Saskatoon, Saskatchewan

Featured Speakers: Richard Heinberg, Senior Fellow, Post Carbon Institute, Joel Salatin, “Everything I Want to do is Illegal”, and “You Can Farm”, Xingji Xia, the first organic inspector in China, and Martin Ent, University of Manitoba.

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Organic Agriculture Symposium: Fundamentals for Professionals

December 2, 2008

The Organic Agriculture Centre of Canada (OACC) is collaborating with provincial organic specialists from across Canada to host a symposium for agricultural professionals across the country to learn more about organic agriculture and research. This symposium will feature two days of presentations from specialists in the organic industry on topics including production economics, marketing, certification and standards, and a range of organic production subjects. All conference presentations are being broadcast as a live webcast in both French and English. Regional symposium locations are being set up across the country. If in-person attendance is not possible you may attend via web conferencing from a remote home or office location.

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New Canadian national organic standards

New Software Helps Farmers Benchmark for Success

June 2, 2006 - Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada (AAFC) has released the latest version of its Benchmark for Success CD. This free, easy-to-use program allows producers to assess the financial performance of their farm against other similar-sized operations

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National Farmers Union Seed Savers Campaign

The rights of farmers and other Canadians to save, reuse, exchange, and sell seeds are under attack. The NFU is fighting back for our rights. Please see the NFU Seeds Factsheets for an overview of this issue and for information on the NFU's campaign and how you can get involved. Also, please consider collecting names on our petition.

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National Water Supply Expansion Program

A four-year, $60-million initiative under the APF. The NWSEP supports the Environment element of the APF through the development, enhancement and protection of vital water resources to help address water constraints in agricultural areas of Canada.

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Scholarships for Organic Inspector Training.

The Independent Organic Inspectors Association accepts applications for the annual Andrew Rutherford Scholarship Award, which provides full tuition for an IOIA-sponsored organic inspector training course during the following year. Both prospective and experienced inspectors are eligible to apply for the Rutherford Scholarship. It is awarded to an individual on the basis of need and potential as judged by the IOIA Scholarship Committee. Applicants can choose to attend any IOIA-sponsored training. The Scholarship pays for tuition, room and board but does not cover transportation or other expenses. The late Andrew Rutherford was a farmer, organic inspector, and organic agriculture researcher from southern Saskatchewan. He served on IOIA's initial steering committee and then several years as a Founding Board Member. For application materials and information on IOIA training programs, contact Margaret Scoles, IOIA Executive Director/Training Manager, IOIA, P.O. Box 6, Broadus, MT 59317-0006, e-mail or visit to download application forms. The deadline for returning Scholarship applications is November 1. Scholarship recipients are notified by December 15.


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