Click to go to Introduction page
Using Your Computer and Technical Support

How To Search Effectively

Search Engines That Work

How To Use Email

How To Join A Listserve

How To Get Help With Hardware

How To Get Help With Software

How To Protect Myself Online

How To Protect My Computer Online

Using Online Resources and Technical Support

·        The links provided here are just a start to the resources you will discover for yourself online.

·        This information is designed to enhance the learning experience provided through the interactive CD_Rom created by COABC and their partner organizations.


Beginners Central a simple and humorous site to learn internet basics.
Microsoft's Learning Site for the Internet.
Internet 101 a great site for Internet Beginners.
How Stuff Works a great site that has easy answers to computer questions

Did you find what you are looking for? If not, our experts could be of service to you.

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