Spellings Praises House Committee Action on Higher Education
Archived Information

July 22, 2005
Contact: Susan Aspey
(202) 401-1576
Sarah Sauber
(202) 205-3807

U.S. Secretary of Education Margaret Spellings issued the following statement regarding the reauthorization of the Higher Education Act (H.R. 609), approved today by the House Education & the Workforce Committee:

"I want to thank Chairman John Boehner [R-OH] and the entire Committee for its leadership on the Higher Education Act.

"This bill takes an important step toward realizing the opportunity-filled future President Bush envisions for all Americans. If approved by the full House, the law would make it easier for students to attend college, families to afford college and teachers to pay back college loans. By meeting deficit reduction targets, it also keeps the President's promise to spend the taxpayer's money wisely.

"Many of the bill's provisions echo proposals the President made in his 2006 Budget, including new Enhanced Pell Grants to encourage more rigorous coursework; year-round Pell Grants; subsidized loan limits; new flexibility for distance learners; and a landmark Teacher Incentive Fund.

"The Teacher Incentive Fund would reward K-12 educators who make outstanding progress in raising student achievement or narrowing the achievement gap. The fund would also help attract good teachers to serve in challenging, at-risk communities. The bill also makes permanent student loan forgiveness for such teachers. By so doing, it advances our mission to leave no child behind.

"Finally, an amendment spearheaded by Rep. "Buck" McKeon [R-CA] and adopted by the committee would offer scholarships and loan relief to students who choose the fields of science, math, engineering and technology. This will help America meet the ever-growing global demand for such workers.

"We ask the full House to give its support to H.R. 609."



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Last Modified: 07/22/2005