Kevin Sullivan Confirmed as Assistant Secretary of Education for Communications and Outreach
Archived Information

July 29, 2005
Contact: Office of Public Affairs, News Branch

U.S. Secretary of Education Margaret Spellings today announced that the U.S. Senate has confirmed Kevin Sullivan as assistant secretary of education for communications and outreach.

"I am thrilled to have someone of Kevin's caliber here at the Department, and I know that his energetic, can-do attitude will be invaluable to our efforts to communicate effectively about education issues, including No Child Left Behind," Secretary Spellings said.

In his new position, Sullivan will be responsible for the Department's entire communications apparatus, including media relations; public affairs; communications and outreach to stakeholders, including governors, state legislators, school districts and corporate entities; publications and internal employee communications.

Prior to his appointment, Sullivan was senior vice president for corporate communications and media relations at NBC Universal. He previously served as vice president of sports communications at NBC. Earlier in his career, Sullivan worked for 18 years with the Dallas Mavericks, where he handled all aspects of the NBA team's media and public relations.

Sullivan earned his bachelor's degree from Purdue University and his master's degree from Iona College in New York. He and his wife, Jo Anne, live with their four children in Virginia.



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Last Modified: 07/29/2005

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