Is It Getting Hot In Here?

Student Worksheet

Refer to “Climate TimeLine Tutorial” and “Overview of Climate Processes” that begin at and respectively.

  1. The primary force outside the Earth’s internal system that drives the planet’s weather and climate systems is _____________.

  2. Two factors outside Earth’s environment and climate system that can cause the amount of energy reaching the surface of the Earth to vary are _____________ and _____________.

  3. About _____________ % of the radiation entering the Earth’s atmosphere is reflected back to space, and about _____________ % is absorbed by the atmosphere and surface of the planet.

  4. About _____________% of the radiation entering the Earth’s atmosphere is absorbed by greenhouse gases.

  5. In recent years, concern has grown that human activities, most particularly _____________, are increasing carbon dioxide levels in the atmosphere to levels that haven’t been seen in over 400,000 years.

  6. Venus receives about _____________ the radiation received by Earth, and has an atmosphere rich in _____________.

  7. _____________ is the time it takes for a volume of water to cycle through the hydrologic system.

  8. _____________ scales are used to describe variation in Earth’s climate over the past 300 million years.

  9. _____________ scales are used to describe variation in Earth’s climate over the past 3 million years.

  10. _____________ scales are used to describe variation in Earth’s climate over the past1000 years.

  11. _____________ is the primary measure of climate and can be measured or reconstructed for the Earth’s surface and sea surface.

  12. _____________ may be discerned in a variety of ways and provide evidence of how ecosystems change to adapt to climate change.

  13. Sea Level is usually related to the degree of _____________ in high latitudes and elevations.

  14. _____________ can alter climate due to aerosols emitted into the atmosphere.

  15. _____________ refers to specific phenomena that directly influence changes in climactic dynamics.

  16. The _____________ has been described as Earth’s thermostat.

  17. _____________ is the primary greenhouse gas in the atmosphere.

  18. _____________ are changes in Earth’s orbit that occur in 100,000, 41,000, and 21,000 year periods.

  19. _____________ is an oscillation in the sea surface temperature pattern across the North Pacific Ocean.

  20. _____________ is an oscillation in sea surface temperature and surface pressure across the tropical Pacific Ocean, causing both local and far away changes in weather and climate.


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