Self-Disclosure Information
The OIG introduced the Provider Self-Disclosure Protocol (SDP) in 1998, see 63 Fed. Reg. 58,399, after a pilot project involving providers from selected sectors of the health care industry proved successful. The SDP is intended to be a vehicle under which the provider community can voluntarily disclose self-discovered evidence of potential fraud in an attempt to avoid the costs and disruptions that may be associated with a Government-directed investigation and with civil or administrative litigation. OIG verifies the information contained in the provider's submission and evaluates the matter for potential fraud issues. We endeavor to work cooperatively with providers who are forthcoming, thorough, and transparent in their disclosures in resolving these matters. While OIG does not speak for the Department of Justice or other agencies, we consult with those agencies, as appropriate, regarding the resolution of SDP matters. The documents posted below set forth the history of the SDP, the requirements for submissions under the SDP, and the benefits to providers of disclosing under the SDP.
OIG Provider Self-Disclosure Protocol Resources
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- Provider Self-Disclosure Protocol Federal Register Notice (PDF)
(October 30, 1998 [63 Fed. Reg. 58,399]) - Open Letter to Health Care Providers (PDF)
(April 15, 2008) - Open Letter to Health Care Providers (PDF)
(April 24, 2006) - Selected Settlements under the Provider Self-Disclosure Protocol