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Bay Area Solar Installation Report - 2008

A report detailing how much solar PV is installed in the Bay Area as of 12/31/2007. The report includes Top 10 Cities and Counties for a number of categories including Total Watts, Number of Systems, Watts/Capita and Systems/Capita.

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solar Installation report 2007
Best Practices from "Solar Friendly" Cities
Many cities in the Bay Area are taking specific measures to be 'solar friendly.' This article describes some of the programs and practices that are making the Bay Area the most PV-saturated region in the USA.
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Benefits of Solar Electricity

There are significant benefits from PV, both for residential and commercial applications: Utility cost savings, increased reliability, environmental benefits, and state and federal financial incentives.  [Read more...]

How To Start Your Solar PV Project
To start your PV project you'll want to know a few key points about your energy use, installation location, cost, and the buying process. The least expensive energy you have is the power you don't use, so Energy Efficiency First! is key.
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