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AACRAO Publications: College & University


College & University (C&U) is AACRAO's educational policy and research journal focusing on emerging concerns, new techniques, and technology in higher education. It is published four times a year. AACRAO members receive a complimentary subscription to C&U.

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Volume 83, Number 4(.pdf) Members Only Padlock


Enrollment Management & Managing Enrollment: Setting the Context for Dialogue
— Don Hossler and David Kalsbeek

A Community College Roadmap for the Enrollment Management Journey
— Christine Kerlin

When a Group Presentation Isn't Enough: Financial Aid Advising for Low-Income Urban College-Bound Students
— Kristan M. Venegas and Ronald E. Hallett

An Impossible Dream? The Efficacy of Using Rankings to Improve Perception of a Non-OECD Country's Education System
— Chris J. Foley

Volume 83, Number 3(.pdf) Members Only Padlock


Analsys of Variables to Predict First-Year Persistance Using Logistic Regression Analysis at the University of South Florida
— T.E. Miller and C.H. Herreid

Paving the Path to Success: Community Colleges & University Degree Partnerships
— Bruce Clemetsen and Jackie Balzer

Building a SEM Organization: The Internal Consultant Approach
— Jay W. Goff and Jason E. Lane

An Interview with Joe E. Head
— Kim West

Volume 83, Number 2(.pdf) Members Only Padlock


Will They Stay or Will They Go? Predicting the Risk of Attrition at a Large Public University
— Thomas E. Miller

Transitioning Transfer Students: Interactive Factors that Influence First-Year Retention
— Mingchu Luo, James E. Williams, and Bruce Vieweg

An Interview with Thomas Huddleston, Jr.
— Thomas LoBasso

Volume 83, Number 1(.pdf) Members Only Padlock


Participation in Co-Curricular Activities: Nontraditional Student Perspectives
— David L. Tan and Myron L. Pope

Adaptation in the Ivory Tower: Deciphering the Implementation of Institutional Academic Advising Policy
— Marlene Clapp

Vying for Attention: How Does Advertising Affect Search and College Choice?
— Kristy Tucciarone

An Interview with David L. Evans
— Judy F. Kugel

Volume 82, Number 4(.pdf) Members Only Padlock


A Comprehensive Approach to Emergency Planning
— Tracy L. Worsley and Don Beckering

Accounting for Advanced High School Coursework in College Admissions Decisions
— Philip M. Sadler and Robert H. Tai

Legal Bases for Dealing with Academic Dishonesty
— Dennis Bricault

Latino Students: Engaging America's Fastest Growing Minority Group
— James Olive and Shane White

An Interview with Carol A. Twigg
— Elizabeth Clark

Volume 82, Number 3(.pdf) Members Only Padlock


Reflections on Strategic Enrollment Management Structures and Strategies (Part Three)
— David H. Kalsbeek

Organizational Models for Enrollment Management at Small Colleges
— Brian A. Vander Schee

American and British Higher Education: Common Problems, Common Responses
— Geoffrey Alderman and Roger Brown

Decision Making in a Joint Doctoral Program in Educational Leadership
— Robert C. Vieth

Volume 82, Number 2(.pdf) Members Only Padlock


The Brave New World of Strategic Enrollment Management
— Bob Bontrager

The Influence of Peer Groups on Academic Success
— Margaret W. Sallee and WIlliam G. Tierney

Taking Control of Enrollment Management at Small Private Universities: Creating an Interactive Interface
— Elliot Maltz

Race and Diversity In Higher Education: An Examination of Race-based Admissions and Its Alternatives
— Dannielle Joy Davis

Volume 82, Number 1(.pdf) Members Only Padlock


How Can We Simultaneously Enhance Both Academic Excellence and Diversity?
— Robert J. Sternberg

At the Crossroads of Access and Financial Stability: The Push and Pull on the Enrollment Manager
— Keith B. Humphrey, Ph. D.

FERPA: What do Faculty Know? What Can Universities do?
— Ann Gilley and Jerry W. Gilley

Race, Graduating Performance, and Admissions: Georgia State University's Freshman Index
— Jonathan Gayles, Ph.D.

Volume 81, Number 4(.pdf) Members Only Padlock


Some Reflections on SEM Structures and Strategies (Part Two)
— David H. Kalsbeek

Is Gender a Predictor of Success in College Mathematics Courses?
— C. Van Nelson and Krystina K. Leganza

Predicting Final GPA of Graduate School Students: Comparing Artificial Neural Networking and Simultaneous Multiple Regression
— Joan L. Anderson

An Evaluation of Enrollment Management Models of the 28 Florida Community Colleges
— Thomas LoBasso

Dying to Get In: Cinematic Views of College Choice
— Patricia Somers, Kristy Tucciarone, Jan Austin, Barbara Keene, Gwen Deloach Packnett, and Laura Stoll

An Interview with Jim Black
— Brad Burch

Volume 81, Number 3(.pdf) Members Only Padlock


Some Reflections on SEM Structures and Strategies (Part One)
— David H. Kalsbeek

A New Look at Solving the Undergraduate Yield Problem: The Importance of Estimating Individual Price Sensitivities
— Linda Siefert and Fred Galloway

How High School Students Construct Decision-making Strategies for Choosing Colleges
— George V. Govan, Sondra Patrick, and Cherng-Jyn Yen

Using Non-Cognitive Assessment in College Recruiting: Applying Holland's Self-Selection Assumption
— Cam Cruickshank and Perry Haan

Volume 81, Number 2(.pdf) Members Only Padlock


Managing Enrollments When the Levee Breaks
— Richard Whiteside

Managing Student Retention: Is the Glass Half Full, Half Empty, or Simply Empty?
— Don Hossler

The Mission of the Registrar: A Ten-Year Retrospective
— David C. Lanier

Student Information System Implementations: A Context for Campus Change
Results of an AACRAO Membership Survey
— Sharon F. Cramer

Understanding Predisposition in College Choice: Toward an Integrated Model of College Choice and Theory of Reasoned Action
— Paul E. Pitre, Todd E. Johnson and Charisse Cowan Pitre

Summer 2005. Volume 81, Number 1(.pdf) Members Only Padlock


Support Services for the Net Generation: The Penn State Approach
— J. James Wager

Latino Peer Groups in College Preparation Programs
— Kristan Venegas and William Tierney

Compliance or Quality? American and British Approaches to the Accreditation of Higher Education Institutions
— Geoffrey Alderman

The American Registrar: A View of the Profession
— Gregory Stewart and Dianne Wright

Spring 2005. Volume 80, Number 4(.pdf) Members Only Padlock


Enabling Student Swirl: A Community College/University Dual Enrollment Program
— Bob Bontrager, Bruce Clemetsen, and Tom Watts

Enrollment Management: Key Elements for Building and Implementing and Enrolment Plan
— Janet Ward

The Numbers Game: Phasing in Generated ID Numbers at the University of Oregon
— Sue Eveland

Interview with Dr. David H. Kalsbeek
— David M. Sauter

Winter 2005. Volume 80, Number 3(.pdf) Members Only Padlock


Refoucsing Enrollment Management: Losing Structure and Finding the Academic Context
— Stanley E. Henderson

Financial Aid, Access, and America's Social Contract with Higher Education
— Thomas C. Green

The Supreme Court and Affirmitave Action: Historical Notes and the Future from a National Perspective
— Jerome C. Weber, Myron L. Pope, and Michael W. Simpson

Determining the Design of Effective Graduate School Web sites
— Michael C. Poock

Interview with Dick Whiteside
— Kathy Winarski

Fall 2004. Volume 80, Number 2(.pdf) Members Only Padlock


Doctoral Education: Present Realities and Future Trends
— Philip G. Altbach

Admissions Comes Out: Recruiting Lesbian, Bisexual, Gay and Transgender Students
— Carl F. Einhaus, Wanda L.E. Viento, and James M. Croteau

Graduate Student Orientation: Applying CAS Standards to National Practices
— Michael C. Poock

Identity and Access Management: Technological Implementation of Policy
— Jeff von Munkwitz-Smith and Ann West

Interview with J. Michael Thompson
— Mary Elisabeth Randall

Summer 2004. Volume 80, Number 1(.pdf) Members Only Padlock


Catalyst for Change: A Case Report of a Campus-wide Student Information System Software Implementation Project
— Jan Stivers and N.B. Garrity

Recommendations for the Recruitment and Retention of Transfer Students
— Heidi Kippenhan

Predicting Success of International Graduate Students in an American University
— C. Van Nelson, Jacquelyn S. Nelson, and Bobby G. Malone

Assessing the Effects of Increased Admission Standards
— Cullen F. Goenner and Sean M. Snaith

Tom Steward Interview (Part I): Registrar and SPEEDE's Champion
— David Stones

Tom Steward Interview (Part II): A Little Bit About the Man Behind SPEEDE
— Kathy Winarski

Spring 2004. Volume 79, Number 4(.pdf) Members Only Padlock


Is It Leadership or Management?
— Joseph Roof and Kristy Presswood

Strategic Enrollment Management: Core Strategies and Best Practices
— Bob Bontrager

Is High School GPA Better Than Admission Test Scores fro Predicting Academic Success in College?
— Julie P. Noble and Richard L. Sawyer

Exceeding Expectations: The Value of College and University Graduation to Older Female Students
— Rebecca J. M. Kennedy and Courtney Vaughn

Interview with Don Hossler
— Phillippa Wangui Thiuri

Winter 2004. Volume 79, Number 3(.pdf) Members Only Padlock


Weighing Things Up: A Closer Look at U.S. News & World Report's Ranking Formulas
— Marguerite Clarke

Enrollment Management: An Introduction to Concepts and Structures
— Bob Bontrager

College Savings Plans, Financial Aid, and Tax Strategy
— Richard Whiteside and George S. Mentz

Interview with Cliff Sjogren
— Jennifer P. Hodges

Fall 2003. Volume 79, Number 2(.pdf) Members Only Padlock


Language Proficiency Criteria for International Graduate Applicants to Doctoral 1 Universities
— Camilla Vásquez

Academic Program Planning - Assessing the Variables
— Richard Whiteside and George Mentz

Overtime-Oriented Orientation (Tri-O³): Thriving in a Highly Competitive Environment
— Wayne Sigler

Interview with Dr. Chrales Nolan Dean of Admissions, Franklin W. Olin College of Engineering
— Robin Matross Helms

Summer 2003. Volume 79, Number 1(.pdf) Members Only Padlock


Affirmative Action Dodges a Bullet: What May Be Permissible? What’s Next?
— Barbara Lauren, Ph.D., J.D.

Getting Personal with Today’s Prospective Students: Use of the Web in the College Selection Process
— Douglas L. Christiansen, Ph.D., Cheryl J. Davidson, Carolyn D. Roper, M. Christine Sprinkles, and James C. Thomas

Challenging Core Assumptions: Integrating Transformative Leadership Models Into Campus-wide Implementation Activities
— Sharon F. Cramer, Ph.D

A Student-tracking and Near-future Student Enrollment-forecasting Model
— Joseph G. Glynn and Thomas E. Miller

Interview with John (Jack) Maguire Chairman, Maguire Associates
— Robin Matross Helms

Spring 2003. Volume 78, Number 4 (.pdf) Members Only Padlock


Identifying College Choice Factors to Successfully Market Your Institution
— Jeff E. Hoyt, Ph.D. and Andrea B. Brown, M.B.A.

How Well Does the GRE Work for Your University?
— Doris McGartland Rubio, Robert S. Rubin, and Donald G. Brennan

The Perceptions of College Students Regarding the Factors Most Influential in Their Decision to Attend Postsecondary Education
— Myron L. Pope, Ed.D., and Baranda Fermin

A Longitudinal Study of Non-Cognitive Variables in Predicting Academic Success of First-Generation College Students
— Siu-Man “Raymond” Ting

Winter 2003. Volume 78, Number 3 (.pdf) Members Only Padlock


The Importance of High School Quality in University Admissions Decisions
— Mo-Yin S. Tam and Uday Sukhatme

Joint Marketing and Student Recruitment: The State University of New York University Colleges of Technology Experience
— Clayton A. Smith, Lawrence M. Barrett, David M. Gerlach, Deborah J. Goodrich, and Paul B. Rose

Characteristics of Effective Graduate School Web Sites: Implications for the Recruitment of Graduate Students
— Michael C. Poock, Ph.D. and Dennis Lefond, Ph.D.

The Past, Present, and Future of the SAT: Implications for College Admissions
— John W. Young

Fall 2002. Volume 78, Number 2 (.pdf) Members Only Padlock


Causes of Faster-than-Infl ation Increases in College Tuition
— Mark Kantrowitz

Retention of African American Administrators at Predominantly White Institutions: Using Professional Growth Factors to Inform the Discussion
— Jerlando F. L. Jackson

Using Linear Regression to Predict the Number of Students in a Freshman Class
— William N. Anderson, Ph.D.

Metaphors and Motivation: Understanding College Students’ Learning Experiences at Four Types of Schools
— Bohn David Lattin, Jeff Kerssen-Griep, and Jennifer Thede

Summer 2002. Volume 78, Number 1 (.pdf) Members Only Padlock


Does Information Contained in Systems Logs at Colleges and Universities Constitute Education Records?
— Virginia E. Rezmierski, Ph.D. and Marshall R. Seese, Jr.

Rebuilding Community: A Pilot Program for Decreasing Doctoral Student Attrition
— Mara H. Wasburn, Ph.D.

A Simplified Approach to Monitoring and Reporting Student Transitions With a Focus on Retention and Graduation Rates
— Joseph G. Glynn and Thomas E. Miller

Implementing a Web-based Registration and Administration System for Credit-by-Examination: Graduate Education Course Test Case
— Lih-Ching Chen Wang, Ph.D.

Spring 2002. Volume 77, Number 4 (.pdf) Members Only Padlock


The Efficacy of the Learning Disabilities Diagnostic Inventory in Postsecondary Settings
— Robin H. Lock and Carol A. Layton

Assessment of the Utility of Parents as Sources of Information About the College Decisions of Their Children
— Phillip Pratt and David Evans

A More Valid Alternative to TOEFL?
— Ann Roemer

The Importance of College Choice Factors from the Perspective of High School Counselors
— Suzanne Espinoza, George Bradshaw, and Charles Hausman

Winter 2002. Volume 77, Number 3 (.pdf) Members Only Padlock


Recruiting Urban and Rural Students: Factors Influencing the Postsecondary Education Institution Choices of Rural Versus Urban High School Students
— Timothy D. Hodges and John E. Barbuto, Jr.

A Study of the Effect of the Implementation of the Plus/Minus Grading System on Graduate Student Grades
—Bobby G. Malone, Jacquelyn S. Nelson, and C. Van Nelson

An Evaluation of a College of Education Graduate Admissions Process: A Non-registrant Perspective
—Kevin J. O’Neill, Catherine C. George, Victor L.Willson, Troy G. Courville, Jennifer L. McGee, Alfred J. Amado, Jesus Tanguma, and David L.Walker

Mathematics Placement Tests and Gender Bias
—Celine D’Souza Dorner and Ivan Hutton

Fall 2001. Volume 77, Number 2 (.pdf) Members Only Padlock


Admission Models for At-Risk Graduate Students in Different Academic Disciplines
C. Van Nelson, Bobby G. Malone, and Jacquelyn S. Nelson

Service Quality in Higher Education: Expectations versus Experiences of Doctoral Students
James H. Lampley, Ed.D.

The College Decision-Making of High Achieving Students
George Bradshaw, Suzanne Espinoza, and Charles Hausman

Measuring the Efficacy of Telemarketing in Student Recruitment
Susan Wyatt Sedwick, D. Stanley Carpenter, Nestor W. Sherman, and Alan Tipton

Summer 2001. Volume 77, Number 1 (.pdf) Members Only Padlock


GRE Use Among the Higher Education Community: Historical Practice is Not Always Best Practice
Troy Johnson

Variations in Salary and Diversity: Representation of Financial Aid Directors at Public and Private Institutions
David Walker

How College-Bound Prospects Perceive University Web Sites: Findings, Implications, and Turning Browsers into Applicants
Michael C. Poock and Dennis Lefond

People of Nia: The Story of a Black Graduation
Lynette Danley Heggins, Jerlando F.L. Jackson and E. Reginald Parks

Spring 2001. Volume 76, Number 4 (.pdf) Members Only Padlock


The Effect of Academic Scholarships on College Attendance
— Andre Baksh and Jeff E. Hoyt, Ph.D.

Be Careful What You Wish For: Analysis of Grading Trends at a Small Liberal Arts College, Grade Inflation or Progress?
— William Potter, Melvin A. Nyman, and Karen S. Klumpp

Working Together: Research-Driven Cooperative Strategy for Sister Colleges
— Michael D.Wiese and Richard L. Gerig

Applying Sanctions for Non-Payment
— Jeffrey von Munkwitz-Smith and Elizabeth Pyle

Winter 2001. Volume 76, Number 3 (.pdf) Members Only Padlock


Re-Engineering of Enrollment Services at Carnegie Mellon
Linda Anderson & John Papinchak

Factors Influencing Graduation Rates at Mississippi's Public Universities
William R. Smith, Julie Horine Edminster & Kathleen Sullivan

A Content Analysis of College and University Viewbooks (Brochures)
Robert E. Hite & Alisa Yearwood

Fall 2000. Volume 76, Number 2 (.pdf) Members Only Padlock


Beyond the Enrollment Mangement Division: The Enrollment Management Organization©
Dr. Peter M. Jonas & Dr. Alexander J. Popovics

I've Always Wanted to Be A..., But Now I'm Not So Sure: A Survey of Students' Career Plans
Rosalie R. Young

Performance Management: A New Approach
Louise Lonabocker

Summer 2000. Volume 76, Number 1 (.pdf) Members Only Padlock


Economic Affirmative Action and Race-blind Policies
Steven P. Chatman, Ph.D. & Kandis M. Smith, Ph.D

The Perceptions of College and University Enrollment Managers on the Relationship Between Institutional Enrollment Performance and Enrollment Management Effectiveness
Clayton A. Smith, Ed.D.

Transfer Students' Institutional Attendance Patterns: A Case Study
Barbara K. Townsend

Enrollment Management as a Portfolio Investment Problem
Robert E. Martin

Spring 2000. Volume 75, Number 4 (.pdf) Members Only Padlock


The Expanded Grade Context Record at Indiana University and Its Relationship to Grade Inflation
— R. Gerald Pugh

The Impact of an Online Application Process on Minority Graduate Students
— Michael C. Poock and Peggy O. Berryhill

Fraud on the Electronic Campus
— David M. Sauter

Winter 2000. Volume 75, Number 3 (.pdf) Members Only Padlock


Strategic Planning: A Defined Vision to Facilitate Institutional Change
—Charles E. Rickard and Megan A. Harding

Making Your Web Site an Information Clearinghouse
—Kevin Houchin

The Budget Reductions of the Early 1990s: Did Doctoral and Non-Doctoral Campuses Respond Differently?
—Shahpar Modarresi and James C. Burke

Faculty Opinion on Grade Inflation: Contradictions About its Cause
—Stephanie J. McSpirit, Paula Kopacz, Kirk E. Jones, and Ann D. Chapman

Fall 1999. Volume 75, Number 2 (.pdf) Members Only Padlock


The Impact of Expanding Professional Contingent Labor Force on Enrollments in MBA Programs
Sidney R. Siegel & Rajiv R. Lajmi

Will Higher Education Make a Difference? African Americans’ Economic Expectations and College Choice
Kassie Freeman

Accuracy of Self-Reported Test Scores
Guadalupe Anaya