
IPY Newsgrams

February 2008 [PDF; <45 KB]
December 2007 [PDF; <84 KB]
October 2007 [PDF; <81 KB]
July 2007 [PDF; <75 KB]
April 2007 [PDF; <63 KB]
February 2007 [PDF; <53 KB]
December 2006 [PDF; <51 KB]
October 2006 [PDF; <39 KB]
February 2006 [PDF; <75 KB]
January 2006 [PDF; <34 KB]
Older IPY Newsgrams

IPY Expression of Intent

Letter from PRB [DOC; <1 MB]
ICSU/WMO Instructions [DOC; <1 MB]
ICSU/WMO Annex 1 [DOC; <1 MB]
ICSU/WMO Annex 2 [DOC; <1 MB]

Reports and Science Plans

USNC Vision Report - Full Text [PDF; 24 MB]
USNC Report Summary [PDF; 2.4 MB]
IPY July 8/9, 2004 Workshop Report [PDF; <1 MB]
ICSU Outline Science Plan [PDF; <1 MB]
USNC Implementation Workshop Report - Full Text [PDF]

IPY-related Items

Brochure, International Polar Year 2007-2008: An Overview of Research Goals and Activities [PDF; 1.2 MB]
IPY Brochure from the International Program Office [PDF; 293 KB]
U.S. Senate Resolution 466 [PDF; <1 KB]

IPY-related Articles

From the Interwar to the Cold War: Selling Field Science in the United States, 1920s through 1950s [PDF; 19MB]

Presentations and Other Materials

Breaking the Ice flyer on educational activities. Also available in German, French, and Italian here.

Overview of International Polar Year [7/27/06]

Education and Outreach for the International Polar Year [PDF; 1.9 MB][8/9/05]

IPY Letters and Correspondence

ICSU PG community update (February 13 2004)
IPY Submissions to ICSU (February 13 2004)
Report to ICSU Executive Board (February 9 2004)
ICSU IPY update (January 28 2004)
USNC Letter to ICSU (December 3 2003)