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visiting research

richardsonThe search for what causes a debilitating shell disease affecting lobsters from Long Island Sound to Maine has led one Marine Biological Laboratory (MBL) visiting scientist to suspect environmental alkylphenols, formed primarily by the breakdown of hard transparent plastics.
spongeCut off one finger from a salamander and one will grow back. Cut off two and two will grow back. It sounds logical, but how the salamander always regenerates the right number of fingers is still a biological mystery.

2008 Summer Research
Principal Investigators:
Other Researchers:

Come and do research in Woods Hole, Massachusetts. Fellowships available.

For more than a century, hundreds of distinguished scientists from around the world have been gathering to do research at the Marine Biological Laboratory particularly during the summer months.

During a typical MBL visitors, researchers look for basic principles of life in organisms from squid to surf clams to zebrafish. They ask how nerve cells communicate, how cells regulate their complex processes, and how they proliferate. They explore how organisms reproduce and develop, how they fight disease, how sense organs gather information, and how brains process it. The investigators who gather each summer bring a diversity of approaches and questions. Along with visiting library researchers and the large number of faculty associated with the summer courses, they make the MBL the largest and most exciting biological laboratory in the world.

Members of the summer community come from Harvard and Howard, from the University of Alabama and the Universitat de Barcelona, from the Food and Drug Administration and the National Institutes of Health, from Canada, Argentina, England, and Switzerland, among many other institutions, universities, agencies and countries.

MBL visiting researchers find an infrastructure and an informal, interactive scientific community that allows them to launch into research almost immediately upon their arrival. Advice and equipment always seem available from other researchers or from the summer courses. Free from academic duties at their home institutions, some veteran visiting scientists report they do more hands-on research in three months at the MBL than they do during the rest of the year at their home institutions. Fellowship opportunities are available to investigators wishing to do visiting research at the MBL.

In addition to the traditional summer months, scientists come to the MBL s visiting scientists during the traditional academic year, for three, six. or nine-month sabbatical research visits. They find a rich scientific environment from the year round resident program but the same informal setting of the MBL free from the distractions of the typical academic environment.

Summer Research Space Application Deadline: January 15
  • Ann Woolford
    Assistant to the Chief Academic and Scientific Officer
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