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Our mission
To alleviate poverty and malnutrition in the
developing world through
the increased production and consumption of safe vegetables.



Between "Tristes Tropiques" and Gardens of Eden:
Pacific Islands striving for food security

Despite their image as a paradise on earth, small island developing states in the Pacific face serious and unique development challenges that render them as vulnerable as the poorest nations of Africa. The Solomon Islands is one of the poorest island nations in the Pacific. More than 80% of Solomon Islanders depend on subsistence agriculture and fishing for their livelihoods. However, local vegetable production is limited and supplies cannot meet year-round domestic demands. AVRDC – The World Vegetable Center is engaged in a project to develop and promote integrated and improved crop management packages for smallholder vegetable gardens. Read more

Design can change
A new nethouse system makes safe farming attractive to Punjabi farmers

India produces the largest quantities of basic pesticides in Asia and is the 12th biggest pesticide producer worldwide. Due to excessive pesticide use, pesticide residues in food, especially vegetables, are extraordinarily high. Surveys in India indicate that 50-70% of vegetables are contaminated with insecticide residues. India accounts for one-third of all pesticide poisoning cases in the world. Together with Punjab Agricultural University (PAU) AVRDC - The World Vegetable Center is developing safer alternatives to pesticides, including state-of-the-art nethouse systems. Their work is supported with funding from Sir Ratan Tata Trust (SRTT). Read more

Leaving behind the backstreets
Indigenous African eggplant is becoming popular with African seed companies, farmers, and consumers

African eggplant is a traditional indigenous crop grown across sub-Saharan Africa. More locally adapted than its distant relative, the tomato, it is hardier and easier to grow and has the added benefit of producing a harvest every week for seven months or longer, creating a reliable income for farmers. Improved lines selected and promoted by AVRDC - The World Vegetable Center are highly sought after in local markets. Using the Center's improved management system, farmers can earn up to twice as much compared to growing tomatoes, turning an almost forgotten indigenous crop into a major source of income. Read more


27th Regional Training Course on Managing Vegetable Production and Marketing
3 Nov 2008 - 30 Jan 2009, Thailand

Addressing the growing needs of the South East Asian region for the efficient production and marketing of vegetables in the face of globalization and other emerging production and marketing challenges, AVRDC-The World Vegetable Center will continue with its annual 3 month modular Regional Training Course (27th). The course is designed to provide vegetable researchers and extension workers with the necessary skills and technical knowledge, emphasizing on good agricultural practice (GAP), impact assessments, indigenous vegetables, post- harvest technologies and farmer education.
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Latest Publications

AVRDC - The World Vegetable Center
Keeping our balance. Annual Highlights 2006-2007
2008, 22 pages
PDF Brochure (640 KB)
AVRDC - The World Vegetable Center
Sub-Saharan Africa
2008, 4 pages
PDF Brochure (622 KB)

AVRDC - The World Vegetable Center
A quarter century of achievements
2008, 4 pages
PDF Brochure (735 KB)

AVRDC - The World Vegetable Center
Vegetable Breeding and Seed Systems for Poverty Reduction in sub-Saharan Africa (vBSS)
2008, 4 pages
PDF Brochure (537 KB)
AVRDC - The World Vegetable Center
Regional Center for Africa (RCA)
PDF Leaflet (418 KB)
AVRDC - The World Vegetable Center
Regional Center for South Asia (RCSA)
PDF Leaflet (353 KB)
Final Summary Report of SUSPER
View site
Abstracts of the First International Symposium on Chili Anthracnose
View site
AVRDC - The World Vegetable Center
Medium-Term Plan 2007-2009
89 pp.
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7th External Program and Management Review (EPMR) Report
2007, 146 pages
PDF Brochure (1.1 MB)
Proceedings of the 2008 APSA-AVRDC Workshop
2008, 45 pages
PDF Brochure (1 MB)
Technical Bulletin No. 40: Diversity, traits and use of traditional vegetables in Tanzania
2007, 53 pages
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Technical Bulletin No. 39: Essentials of modern marketing management and supply chain systems for vegetable seed companies.
2007, 68 pages
PDF Brochure (1.1 MB)
AVRDC Report 2005
210 pp.
PDF Full Text (2.3 MB)...

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