Click to go to Introduction page
Certified Organic Programs

New Canadian national organic standards

Links to certification bodies

Certification Overview

What is Certified Organic Farming?
What is Organic Farming (ATTRA/pdf 899kb)
The World of Organic Ag - Stats & Emerging Trends 2004 (IFOAM/pdf 1.93MB)

A Tracking System for Organic Farmers (COABC 2004)
Organic Field Crop Documentation Forms (ATTRA)
Agri-Food Choice and Quality Act
Organic Food and Farming Certification (OMAFRA/Ontario)

Organic Inspectors / Verification Officers
Who are Organic Inspectors and what do they do?
IOIA Online Searchable Inspector Directory (IOIA)
Upcoming IOIA Organic Inspector Trainings (IOIA)
Organic Inspector Certificate (Assiniboine College)
The Rigours of Organic Inspector Training (McGill University)

The Certification Process
Organic FAQs (BCMAL Infobasket)

The Transition Process
Transitioning to Organic Production - a discussion paper
Transition to Organic Farming (OMAFRA)
Organic Farming: Is It For Me? (NDSU)
Becoming an Organic Producer (IOWA)
Organic fruit and vegetable production: Is it for you? (Vista - CAN/pdf)

Case Studies
Jerseyland Organics - British Columbia (OACC)
Meeting Place Organic Farm - Ontario (OACC)
Washington Wheat Growers Say Organic Worth the Extra Effort (Capital)
Richard and Peggy Sechrist - Fredericksburg, Texas (SARE)
Bob Quinn - Quinn Farm and Ranch, Big Sandy, Montana (SARE)
Ed Sills - Pleasant Grove Farms, Pleasant Grove, California (SARE)

Permitted Substances
COABC's Generic Materials List (Section 13)

COABC's Brand Name Product Directory
Organic Materials Review Institute (OMRI)

Have you ever asked yourself that question?
We've all seen the scratched Teflon pans at garage sales, but few of us have stopped to ponder where exactly all those little scrapings of non-stick coating have gone. But it's a question that has been put to the people at Cyber-Help, who had to do some research to answer this question. After all, organic food processors could be using Teflon pots to create value-added products. Buyers of Certified Organic products want to be assured they are getting the cleanest possible foods. So our question is, "Are there Teflon residues remaining in the foods cooked in Teflon, and if so, is that a bad thing?"
To read the complete article click here
Where can you learn more about Organic Certification online
How much do you know about organics?
Online Certification Verification (Organic Ecology)
The Organic Farm Apprenticeship Program (SOIL)
Organic Field Crops Documentation Forms (ATTRA)
Pertinent Federal (Canadian) & Provincial (BC) Regulations (in-site)

Farm Equipment
Marketing Your Product
Organic Prices (fruit and vegetables)
On-Farm Food Safety
Small Scale Food Processing
Pest Management

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