What Is SAMHSA’s eNetwork?
SAMHSA's eNetwork is your personal link to SAMHSA for the latest news about our grants, publications, campaigns, programs, and statistics and data reports.
Why Has SAMHSA Put This New System in Place?
To better serve you! If you want to receive information from SAMHSA, simply register by clicking on “Join the eNetwork.”
Who Benefits From SAMHSA’s eNetwork?
The eNetwork is for anyone who wants to receive information about SAMHSA’s work in the substance abuse and mental health fields.
How Does It Work?
Once you Join the eNetwork and indicate your areas of interest, you'll receive the up-to-the-minute information that's important to you. You can update your areas of interest by clicking on Update My Profile. You also can unsubscribe at any time to instantly stop receiving information from SAMHSA.
What Kind of Information Will I Get?
What you get depends on what information you want to receive. For example, you can get:
Will My Information Be Kept Private?
Yes. We respect your privacy. We will only use your contact information to send eNetwork alerts. For more information, please see SAMHSA’s Privacy Policy.
How Do I Sign Up?
Select Join the eNetwork to sign up!
Just click on the eNetwork FAQs to get answers to our most commonly asked questions.