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January 22, 2009 at 10:00 a.m.
Full Committee
Infrastructure Investment:
Ensuring an Effective Economic Recovery Package

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Press Release

T&I Sets Agenda for 111th Congress

Chairman Oberstar says mobility, safety, and the environment are Committee's top priorities

January 15, 2009


By Jim Berard 202-226-5064

Chairman James L. Oberstar (Minn.) called the House Committee on Transportation and Infrastructure to order for the first time in the 111th Congress this morning, and presented an ambitious agenda for the next two years.

The Committee also approved its rules for the new Congress, and ratified Subcommittee Chairs and Ranking Minority Members as selected earlier by each party caucus.

Chairman Oberstar’s prepared remarks on the Committee’s agenda for the 111th Congress follow:

T&I Committee Agenda

Finally, I would like to briefly discuss the T&I Committee agenda. In the 110th Congress, we made extraordinary progress achieving the Committee’s objectives, including:

--enacting landmark legislation on rail safety, Amtrak, and high-speed rail, which had languished for years;

--enacting the Water Resources Development Act of 2007 (“WRDA 2007”) by overriding the President’s veto for only the 107th time in our nation’s history;

--enacting legislation to implement the 9/11 Commission recommendations;    and                      
                                                                                                                 --enacting legislation to promote energy efficient transportation and public buildings and create incentives for the use of alternative fuel vehicles and renewable energy.

In addition to these and many other legislative achievements, the Committee renewed its commitment to actively oversee the agencies and programs within the jurisdiction of the Committee. The Committee conducted active, in-depth investigations of its agencies and programs and found critical lapses in the Coast Guard’s management of the Deepwater program, the Federal Aviation Administration’s regulatory oversight and abuses of the regulatory partnership programs, the Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration’s oversight of the drug and alcohol testing program and medical oversight of commercial drivers, and the Department of Homeland Security’s management of the Federal Protective Service.

In total, the Committee conducted 174 hearings, including 1,245 witnesses and approximately 588 hours of testimony – the most active oversight in the Committee’s storied history.

However, we have much work left to do. As we consider the wealth of work that we have before us, there are three overriding issues upon which the Committee will focus in the 111th Congress:

--Investing in our Nation’s Infrastructure to Restore our Economy, Relieve Congestion, Ensure U.S.  Competitiveness, and Improve the Daily Lives of our Citizens;

--Ensuring the Safety and Security of our Nation’s Transportation Systems and other Critical Infrastructure;

--Addressing Global Climate Change and Renewing our Commitment to Clean Water, Energy Independence, and Environmental Stewardship.

The Committee will begin with a demanding schedule of hearings for January and February. Next Thursday, the Committee will hold a hearing on transportation and infrastructure investment in the Economic Recovery and Reinvestment Plan. Last October, the Committee held an extensive hearing on infrastructure investment and the economic recovery package and heard from 19 witnesses. An additional 60 witnesses submitted statements for the record.

Although the Committee conducted this extensive hearing just three months ago, I have scheduled a hearing next week to enable new Members to have an opportunity to participate in the Committee deliberations on these issues. I also expect that Chairman Obey will introduce the Economic Recovery and Reinvestment Plan bill today and, therefore, we will have a specific proposal to discuss at the hearing. I encourage all Members to participate in the hearing.

In addition, the Subcommittee Chairmen are scheduling the following hearings prior to the February District Work Period:

--the Subcommittee on Highways and Transit will hold a hearing on energy and environmental sustainability in surface transportation;

--the Subcommittee on Railroads, Pipelines, and Hazardous Materials will hold a hearing on railroad infrastructure needs;

--the Subcommittee on Aviation will hold a hearing on reauthorization of the Federal Aviation Administration;

--the Subcommittee on Water Resources and Environment will hold a hearing on water and energy efficient treatment technology;

--the Subcommittee on Economic Development, Public Buildings, and Emergency Management will hold a hearing on reauthorization of the Economic Development Administration; and

--the Subcommittee on Coast Guard and Maritime Transportation will hold a hearing on international piracy on the high seas.

In February, I will discuss the Committee’s oversight agenda more specifically when we consider the Committee Oversight Plan. In this Congress, our first order of business is to complete action on the economic recovery package. I am hopeful that President Obama will have a bill to sign in February.

In February and March, I expect the Committee to turn immediately to consideration of the FAA reauthorization bill and Clean Water State Revolving Fund bill.

Later this spring or early in the summer, the Committee will consider a bill that will transform the surface transportation system of the United States and relieve congestion, ensure U.S. competitiveness, improve the daily lives of our citizens, and provide the building blocks for the long-term economic recovery of the nation.

In the bipartisan tradition of the Committee, let us join together to invest in America, rebuild our economy, and put Americans back to work.

If there is no further business, the Committee is adjourned.
