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IFOAM Forum of Consultants
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The IFOAM Forum of Consultants (IFC) is a network of reliable and competent consultants with a common code of conduct, supporting the organic movement.  Its members are consultancy companies and individuals whose main activity is to provide consultancy services in the sector of Organic Agriculture.  All are IFOAM Affiliates.  The goal of the group is to make consultancy in Organic Agriculture more efficient and to facilitate access to expertise in this field.

The Board of the Forum consists of:
Birgitt Boor, (Chair, Germany, contact details below),
Bo van Elzakker (Netherlands),
Beate Huber (Germany).

Code of Conduct
1. Work according to the aims and standards of Organic Agriculture as laid down in the IFOAM Basic Standards for Organic Production and Processing. They support IFOAM and its policies in general terms. They contribute with their expertise and insights to the further development of the organic movement in general for example by donating a certain amount of pro bono time to committee work.

2. Be good representatives of the movement by being thorough, courteous, knowledgeable, honest and open-minded when sharing information. Foster goodwill and cooperation in the organic movement.

3. Promote in their work the application of responsible social and socio-economic conditions for all stakeholders involved. Refuse work in situations where human rights are clearly violated.

4. Maintain ethical business practices. Refrain from negative remarks about colleagues when these are not given the opportunity to defend themselves.

5. Share expertise and experiences for the mutual professional development, in meetings but also by making available their work in as far as this is allowed by their clients. Members strive to secure a public status of information whenever this is possible. At the same time, signatories respect the confidentiality of data owned by their clients.

6. Refuse work that is beyond their realm of expertise. Contact colleagues who have a significantly higher level of expertise in the topic of the assignment, in order to provide the client with the best possible advise. The colleague is duly rewarded for the contribution.

7. Pass on work opportunities in case they are not able themselves to do the work. Provide transparency in client contacts that are passed on by other members of the forum.

8. Underwrite the need to separate roles, notably by not mixing advisory work to certification bodies and organic operators with inspection work, or by having financial stakes in the outcome of the project (it must be clear what you are).

9. Support the promotion of local or regional consultancies and involve and contact these whenever possible.

10. Share a black list of non-paying clients. When taking on work from blacklisted clients, the payment of earlier consultancy services by the colleague should be pursued.

11. Use the below outlined mechanism for complaints.

References made to the Code
(1) Members are allowed to use the phrasing 'Member of the IFOAM Forum of Consultants' on their letterhead, on company profiles and on their CVs.
(2) The membership of the forum is published on the IFOAM website. Members are encouraged to refer to this website in their correspondence.
(3) Members of the forum make available this Code of Conduct to any persons or institution who request it (may be through reference to the website).

Monitoring the Code
(1) members of the forum have signed the Code of Conduct, which serves as a self-declaration that the consultant or his/her organisation complies with the Code.
(2) In case any member of the forum questions another member's compliance with the Code, a written complaint can be submitted to the board of the forum.
(3) The board will appoint a complaints committee. The complaints committee exists of three members, one member appointed by each party while a third person is to be agreed upon by both parties. This committee advises the board on the case.

The board rules on the case.

IFOAM Forum of Consultants:
Birgitt Boor, c/o BIOHERB - Consulting for International Organic Agriculture (Germany),
Tel:  +49-5542-6466
Fax: +49-5542-72891
Email: info @bioherb.de

Ms. Birgitt Boor (Germany) - Chair
Mr. Bo van Elzakker (Netherlands) - Treasurer
Ms. Beate Huber (Germany)

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