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IFOAM Regional Group for Latin America and the Carribbean - El Grupo de America Latina y el Caribe (GALCI)


GALCI aims to develop influential proposals in the organic and agroecological world movement, from the reality of Latin America and the Caribbean.

Currently, GALCI represents organizations (IFOAM members) like producers associations, traders, certifiers, NGOs and individuals from Latin America and the Caribbean.

Our visions internal and external:

Shared (external) vision

We work and look for a global society with life quality, with informed happy citizens exercising their rights and duties, based on the principles of sustainable development and democracy; integrated; upholding values of solidarity, equity and justice; open to changes; respectful regarding traditional knowledge and cultural diversity; committed with the production and consumption of organic and biodiverse products.

Internal vision

GALCI is a non-profit organization with a high level capacity to lobbying for organic agriculture, integrated by IFOAM members and supporters and individuals working in favor of organic agriculture in the region.

Our objectives include:

  • Fomenting action concerning IFOAM policies
  • Fortifying the expansion of organic agriculture and the movement in Latin America and the Carribbean
  • Actively seeking alliances and political support by national governments, intergovernmental agencies, parliaments, ministries and organizations, with the objective generating favorable public policies supporting the production, commercialization of organic products.
  • Supporting the transfer of knowledge and horizontal interchange between organizations and promote the extension and application of ecological systems to other sectors.
  • Investigating local, regional and national development of organic markets
  • Serving as a forum for the discussion and analysis of the contemporary situation for organic agriculture in Latin America, the Carribbean and the world
Patricia Flores Escudero,

Las Grullas 248 - El Tipal, 4400 Salta (Argentina)
Tel +54-387-4012202 - Fax: +54-387-4012202
Email: galci@ifoam.org

Vice - Coordinator:
Carlos A. Escobar F. (Colombia)

Support Committee (by priorities/themes):

Markets and Guarantee System: Jannet Villanueva (IDMA - Peru) and Gustavo Birbuet (AOPEB - Bolivia)
Agrodiversity and Seeds: Anne Pipenstock (FUNDACION AGRECOLANDES - Bolivia) and Miguel Castro (ANAO - Costa Rica)
Traditional Knowledge
: Felipe Iñiguez (CIRPRO - Mexico) and Antonieta Manrique (RAE - Peru)

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Regional Meeting in Peru (Jan2006)
Email contact
Link to the GALCI Website
Rules of Procedure for GALCI
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