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What will the Mining Program accomplish?

4.2 Potential Outcomes

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This section describes the safety and health accomplishments anticipated over the next five years for each strategic goal of the Mining Research Plan. The section begins with a list of the seven strategic goals and the future strategic program outcomes expected to be produced as the research results for each goal are implemented. Listed within each goal are a number of potential intermediate outcomes that support the future strategic program outcomes. These potential intermediate outcomes are expected if currently active research projects are concluded successfully, and the results are implemented by the intended customers. For each potential intermediate outcome, there is a brief description of the problem, research approach, intermediate outcome expected from the research, and a list of past and planned outputs, which will contribute to the potential outcome. Both past and planned outputs are included since these research projects are in progress.

1 - Respiratory diseases
2 - Hearing loss
3 - Cumulative injuries
4 - Traumatic injuries
5 - Mine disasters
6 - Ground control
7 - Surveillance and training

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Strategic Goal 1 - Respiratory diseases:  Reduce respiratory diseases in miners by reducing health hazards in the workplace associated with coal worker pneumoconiosis, silicosis, and diesel emissions.

Future Strategic Program Outcomes:  Within 10 years, reduce the respirable coal dust overexposures of operators of longwall and continuous mining machines, roofbolters, and surface drills by 50% and the overall silica exposure of crusher operators and stone cutters by 50%. Within 10 years, reduce coal miner exposure to DPM by 80% and metal nonmetal miners DPM overexposure rates by 50%.

Potential Intermediate Outcomes:

1. Canopy Air Curtain
2. Methane Control Handbook
3. Control Technology for Coal Worker Pneumoconiosis (CWP) Hotspots
4. Measuring Diesel Particulate Matter with Diesel Detective Monitoring Technology
5. Guidelines to Reduce Diesel Particulate Matter in Coal, Metal, and Nonmetal Mines
6. Diesel Particulate Filter Selection Guide
7. Cooperative NIOSH/IMA-NA Dust Control Handbook for Mineral Processing Plants
8. Inline Series Spray Scrubber
9. Evaluation of a Continuously Regenerating Diesel Exhaust Trap with Nitrogen Dioxide Control
10. Longwall Dust Surveys
11. Filter Materials for Silica Analysis When Using the Personal Dust Monitor
12. Facilitating the Use of Personal Dust Monitors as a Means of preventing Coal Workers' Pneumoconiosis
13. Assessing the Performance of a Heat Exchanger to Reduce Outby Diesel Exhaust Temperatures
14. Dust Capture and Induced Airflow of Various Spray Nozzle Designs
15. Open Structure Design
16. Hydrogen-Powered Mine Vehicle Reduces Miner Exposure to Diesel Emissions

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Strategic Goal 2 - Hearing loss:  Reduce noise-induced hearing loss (NIHL) in the mining industry.

Future Strategic Program Outcomes:  Reduce the frequency of noise overexposure of miners by 25% in 5 years and 50% in 10 years.

Potential Intermediate Outcomes:

1. Underground Metal Noise Control Guide
2. Improved Hearing Protection
3. A Health Hazard Study of Surface Drilling Operations
4. Model Hearing Loss Prevention Program
5. Engineering Noise Controls for Roof Bolting Machines
6. Engineering Noise Controls for Continuous Mining Machines - Jacketed Tail Roller
7. Engineering Noise Controls for Horizontal Vibrating Screens
8. Administrative Computer Program
9. Engineering Noise Controls for Continuous Mining Machines - Dust Collector Fan

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Strategic Goal 3 - Cumulative injuries:  Reduce repetitive/cumulative musculoskeletal injuries in mine workers.

Future Strategic Program Outcomes:  Reduce repetitive/cumulative musculoskeletal injuries by 35% based on the 2003 repetitive/cumulative musculoskeletal injury rate.

Potential Intermediate Outcomes:

1. Improving Mobile Equipment Operator Ergonomics
2. Age Awareness Training Modules
3. Slips and Falls Research
4. Knee Injury Prevention
5. Improved Risk Assessment for Low Back Disorders in Mining
6. Ergonomic Processes Implementation/Integration and Process Metric
7. Redesign of Dragline Workstations
8. Reducing Injuries during Bagging Tasks
9. Reducing Injuries Due to Railcar Loading and Maintenance Activities
10. MSD Prevention and Intervention Education Modules

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Strategic Goal 4 - Traumatic injuries:  Reduce traumatic injuries in the mining workplace.

Future Strategic Program Outcomes:  By 2014, reduce traumatic injuries by 35% based on the 2003 traumatic injury rate.

Potential Intermediate Outcomes:

1. Guidelines for Improving Ore Pass Safety
2. Forklift Operating Warning System (FLOWS)
3. High-Voltage Continuous Mining Machines
4. Power Line Proximity Warning Alarms
5. Electrical Arc Burns
6. Roof Bolter Health and Safety Guidelines
7. Reducing Blast Area Security and Flyrock - Related Injuries and Fatalities in Mining
8. Remotely-Controlled Bulldozer on Coal Stockpiles

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Strategic Goal 5 - Mine disasters:  Reduce the risk of mine disasters (fires, explosions, and inundations); and minimize the risk to, and enhance the effectiveness of, emergency responders.

Future Strategic Program Outcomes:  Reduce the number of injuries and deaths attributed to mine fires, explosions, inundations, and rescue and response activities by 25% between 2010 and 2014 compared to the average yearly total from 1990-2001 as compiled from MSHA accident statistics.

Potential Intermediate Outcomes:

1. Advanced Methane Control in Underground Coal Mines
2. Reducing Fire Hazards in the Metal-Nonmetal Mining Industry
3. Managing Mine Fires
4. Reducing Fire Hazards in Underground Coal Mines
5. Communications and Decision Making During Mine Emergencies
6. Utilization of Engineered Ventilation Systems in Large Opening Mines
7. Remote Construction of Seals for Fire Control and Abatement
8. Prevention of Catastrophic Coal Dust Explosions in Mines

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Strategic Goal 6 - Ground control:  Reduce ground failure fatalities and injuries in the mining industry.

Future Strategic Program Outcomes:  Reduce mine fatalities by ground failures by 50% within 8 years. Reduce injuries by ground and roof support system failures by 25% within 5 years and by 50% within 8 years. Reduce unplanned roof falls by 20% within 5 years and by 40% within 8 years.

Potential Intermediate Outcomes:

1. Improved Highwall Stability to Reduce Surface Mine Hazards
2. Reducing Injuries by Improving Shotcrete Design Criteria
3. Improved Pillar Design in Metal and Industrial Mineral Mines to Reduce Ground Control Hazards
4. Avoiding Inundations: Developing Guidelines for Mining near Bodies of Water
5. Improved Mine Safety through Optimized Extraction
6. Multiple-Seam Mining Design Guidelines
7. Design of Mine Ventilation Stoppings
8. Roof Span and Pillar Layout Guidelines for Stone Mines
9. Reducing Ground Fall Hazards in Coal Mines with Low Strength Roof
10. Highwall Mining Stability Guidelines
11. Increase Roof Fall Forecast Times with Sensor-Based Monitoring Techniques
12. Reducing Ground Fall Hazards in Metal Mines with Weak Rock

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Strategic Goal 7 - Surveillance and training:  Determine the impact of changing mining conditions, new and emerging technologies, training, and the changing patterns of work on worker health and safety.

Future Strategic Program Outcomes:  Over the next 10 years, identify the impacts of changes and make recommendations for mitigating adverse impacts.

Potential Intermediate Outcomes:

1. Improving Miner Safety by Developing Toolbox Training Sets
2. Improving Miner Safety by Developing Interactive Computer Simulation Training
3. Improving the Accuracy of Determining Worker Exposure to Airborne Silver
4. New Miner Training
5. Improved Technology Transfer Via the Web