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Want to propose a meeting?

• If you have a promising idea for a future conference or short course, please complete and submit the form below.

• Once completed, this form will be reviewed by the Education and Meetings Steering Committee (EMSC) for input and program confirmation.

• The purpose of the Proposal Form is to give the EMSC as much information as possible about your conference or short course idea in order to assist them in their review process.

• If you have any questions about this process, please e-mail

AOCS Meeting Proposal Form

1) Name of person(s) proposing meeting:

2) Your email address:

3) Is this meeting being proposed on behalf of a section, division, or other group? yes no

3A) If so, which group?
4) Name of proposed meeting:


5) Name(s) of potential speaker(s):

6) Topic: what knowledge, attitudes or skills are to be learned?

7) What is the focus of the technical program for this meeting?
Overview of a mature technology/science
Overview of a specific new technology/research
Education program imparting new skills or information to be applied to specific problems

8) What are the objectives of this meeting? (please identify at least three)

9) How will these objectives be met?
Participants will hear lectures from experts
Participants will discuss case studies in groups
Participants will conduct measurements in a lab setting

10) What outcomes will demonstrate that you've reached your objectives?

11) People will attend this meeting because:
They wish to know what others are doing in their field
To compare their practice against the industry norm
There is an expressed need by individuals to their management
To learn where the industry or technology will be in the short- or long-term future

12) Who would be interested in this meeting?
Product Developers
Government Researchers


Plant Supervisors
Customer Service Reps

12A) In which interest area?
Edible Applications
Feed Microscopy
Food Structure & Functionality
Health & Nutrition

Industrial Oil Products
Lipid Oxidation & Quality
Protein & Co-Products
Surfactants & Detergents

13) Why would someone be interested in this meeting?
Professional Advancement
Technical update
Job training
Regulations on legal issues
Emerging markets

14) How many participants do you expect to attend?

14A) Why?
Attended similar meetings in the past
Have had requests from industry representatives in the field
Have had requests from industry representatives in this region

15) Who will be involved in the development of this technical program?
Faculty (generalists who teach from prepared materials in their areas of expertise)
Speakers (content experts)
AOCS staff
Division representatives
Co-sponsoring organization(s) (financial support)
Participating organizations (promotional support)
Customer service representatives

16) Will the speaker/faculty:
Provide solutions to specific problems
Provide resources for further inquiry
Lead students through a process
Act as a catalyst to motivate participants to apply theoretical information to practical problems

17) What is the optimum timing for the scheduling of this meeting?

18) What is the optimum location for this meeting?
There hasn't been a meeting on this subject in this region
This location is central to this region and easily accessible
There is strong support by industry groups in this area
This is an attractive incentive destination (vacation)

18A) Why?

19) Are exhibits appropriate for this meeting?
yes no

19A) If you answered "yes"- should the exhibit be comprised of:

19B) How many booths and/or tabletops would you expect?


20) Avenues through which to promote this meeting are (please be specific):
Industry groups:
Professional societies' membership lists:
Departments at universities:
Industry publications:
Past meeting attendance lists:
AOCS division:

21) What external factors or activities impact this meeting? (e.g., timing, structure, marketing, technical focus)

22) Give 5-10 general phrases describing the meeting's technical focus which can be listed in "bullet" form. (These may be the session titles you've identified, or they may be more general and include broad areas.)

23) Write a lead-in paragraph for the promotional brochure. This may include some history on this subject and/or this meeting (if it has been offered before); the reasons why this meeting is important; why the faculty for the meeting is qualified to present the material; what new research has been done that makes this meeting timely; whether the information is based and geared toward those entering a field; whether it is for technical or non-technical attendees (i.e. scientists or non-scientists); and/or the methodology for the meeting (i.e., lecture format, question and answer, panel discussions, small group exercises, etc.).

24) Please include a draft of the meeting program (if possible).

25) Should the Review Committee need additional information regarding this proposal, please identify the primary contact:






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