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Office of Extramural Research, National Institutes of Health Extramural Nexus
  April 2008
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New FAQs on Promoting Objectivity in Research – a Wealth of Information

As mentioned in last month’s issue of the Nexus, as part of the ongoing efforts to provide guidance to the community on how to manage to Financial Conflicts of Interests (FCOI), we have posted an updated and expanded Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) document on this topic on the OER Web Site (

Look here for information on:

  • Who is required to disclose their financial interests (i.e., who is defined as an “investigator” under the regulation) to their institution
  • The definition of Significant Financial Interests that need to be disclosed under the regulations and what types of assets fall into this definition
  • When these interests need to be disclosed
  • What to do if your financial situation changes during the award period
  • Who reports any identified FCOIs to the NIH and when are the reports made
  • What information is reported to the NIH
  • How to proceed if you are a sub-recipient of an NIH award or if you engage sub-recipients under an NIH award.
  • Your reporting responsibilities if you are an investigator in an NIH-supported clinical trial network.
  • The page is divided into two main sections, focusing on the roles and responsibilities of Institutions and Investigators in complying with the Regulations governing the promotion of objectivity in NIH-supported research (42 CFR Part 50 Subpart F for grants; and 45 CFR Part 94 for contracts).

    We encourage everyone in the extramural community to explore this new resource and consult it any time you have questions on this very important topic. We welcome suggestions and additional questions (please send them to FCOI

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