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  Welcome to the Child Trends DataBank
Welcome to the one-stop-shop for the latest national trends and research on over 100 key indicators of child and youth well-being, with new indicators added each month! Provided by Child Trends, a national leader in the field for over 20 years...> Learn more

CrossCurrents Data Briefs
Welcome to CrossCurrents, a new series of data briefs from the Child Trends DataBank. These briefs draw from multiple indicators to examine broad topics and special populations of greatest concern to policy makers, service providers, the media, and the general public.

New Data Brief:
Pre-Kindergarten to Third Grade (PK-3) School-Based Resources and Third Grade Outcomes

Other briefs in the series include:
Are Teens Driving Safer?
Indicators of Early School Success and Child Well-Being
A Statistical Portrait of Well-being in Early Adulthood
Violence in the Lives of Children

The Child Indicator Newsletter
The Child Indicator offers the latest developments in the collection, dissemination, and use of child- and youth-focused social indicator data at the national, state, and local levels. It aims to advance understanding within the child indicators community to make its members more effective in their work.
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What Works: Programs and Interventions that May Influence Outcomes for Youth and Young Children
The Child Trends DataBank now includes information for over 60 indicators about the types of programs and interventions that may influence particular outcomes for teens and young children. To view a complete list of DataBank indicators that include What Works tables, click here.

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What's New

Child Indicator Newsletter Spring 2008!
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(Click here to view previous issues)

4/11 New Religiosity Estimates
> Read on

4/11 New Religious Service Attendance Estimates
> Read on

4/11 New Children with Special Health Care Needs Estimates
>Read on

4/11 New 2006 Dating Estimates
> Read on

4/11 New 2006 Volunteering Estimates
> Read on

4/11 New 2006 Television Viewing Estimates
> Read on

4/11 New 2007 Reading Proficiency Estimates
> Read on

This DataBank powered by www.childtrends.orgChild Trends

Site Design by WebFirst
www.childtrends.org Age Alphabetically Indicators with separate estimates by subgroup: race, 
ethnicity, family structure, income, welfare receipt, etc.