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Mobile Laboratories

Mobile LaboratoriesOver 15 years ago, long before the tragedy of September 11, 2001, or the widespread anthrax panic that followed, ECBC researchers recognized the need for an off-site chemical, biological and hazardous materiel analysis capability. Technicians concluded the platform needed to allow for irrefutable testing and validation and the safe handling of dangerous materials. Since that time, ECBC has developed and fielded mobile labs for a broad spectrum of clients and uses. These mobile laboratories have the ability to support on-site chemical and biological forensic analysis of explosive materials or samples containing chemical or biological material. They are equipped with fume hoods, filtration systems and power backup systems that exceed standard requirements for field operations.

ECBC has supported a variety of federal agencies through its mobile labs. Two mobile laboratory systems were designed, staffed and deployed by ECBC to provide support at the 2001 Winter Olympic Games in Salt Lake City, Utah. In a separate project, ECBC personnel delivered a self-supporting, trailer-mounted vehicle including a suite of new analytical systems to the FBI Explosives Unit.

ECBC works closely with customers to determine needs, recommend specific equipment and integrate and fabricate unique configurations using industry standards and equipment. The staff also assists customers to develop methods and standards for the uses of the equipment.

ECBC has built five variants of the mobile laboratory, used to provide safe, reliable, transportable engineering controls certified for the safe containment and examination of the most hazardous materials. These labs have supported numerous programs and provide a variety of capabilities including atmospheric monitoring, on-site chemical analysis, soil extraction, and surface water analysis. In addition, laboratory operators can generally perform these investigative functions within a 24-hour turnaround time.


View the Mobile Laboratories and Kits Team Brochure










Homeland Defense

Homeland Defense


ECBC Overview Video

ECBC Overview Video


STORM-Stations of Robotic Monitoring High Throughput Mobile Biomonitoring Initiative
(417 KB PDF)


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