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Model Net Metering Law for Renewable Energy Technologies - by the Interstate Renewable Energy Council, August 2003
This model limits net metering to systems 25 kW or less for residential applications and 100 kW or less at commercial sites. The rule would allow first-come first-served net metering until a utility reaches 2 percent of its peak load.

Summary Table of Net Metering Programs in the United States - by DSIRE, ongoing updates

Consumer Guide to Renewable Energy for Your Home or Business - by DOE Office of Power Technologies

Green Power Networks' State Net Metering Program Descriptions

Democratic Energy: Communities and Government Supporting our Energy Future

Net Metering of Electricity

Net metering is a practice that encourages consumer investment in on-site electric generators - typically small-scale, renewable energy technologies. When a customer/generator is producing and consuming electricity at the same time, the laws of physics dictate that the electricity being produced flows to where it is being used. But what about when electricity is being generated and none is being consumed? In these instances net metering allows customer/generators to spin their meter backwards, in effect paying the customer/generator the retail rate for the electricity they generate but don't immediately consume. If a customer generates more electricity than they consume over a period of time, they are typically paid for that net excess generation (NEG) at the utility's avoided cost, or the wholesale rate.

Without net metering, small customer/generators usually have two meters, one measuring incoming electricity, for which they pay the retail rate, and one measuring the power they produce, for which they are compensated only at the utility's avoided cost. Thus net metering provides a strong economic incentive for electricity customers to install on-site, small-scale, renewable generating capacity.

A majority of states have some type of net metering programs. Most have some common characteristics, including a size limit for qualifying generators and a statewide limit of qualifying capacity (typically about .01% of a utility's peak load). Compensation for NEG is typically at the wholesale rate that the utility pays for electricity.

Section 1251 of the federal energy policy act (EPAct 2005) requires states and "nonregulated" utilities to commence consideration of a net-metering standard on or before August 8, 2007, and to make a determination regarding this standard on or before August 8, 2008.

Two states, Minnesota and Wisconsin, stand out from the crowd because their net metering rules allow participants to be paid the going retail rate for the net excess electricity they generate for each billing cycle. New Jersey and Colorado allow projects up to 2 MW to use net metering. The Sacramento Municipal Utility District also pays the retail rate for excess solar electricity generation.

Note: Dozens and dozens of states have enacted net metering rules. We are highlighting only a few of the more interesting ones here. IREC is tracking state activities on net metering developments at this link.


  • Net Metering - California
    California's net metering law was established in 1995. There have been many modifications over the years including 3 separate bills enacted in 2005. The are many exceptions but, in general, the current rules allow on-site energy projects of up to 1 MW access to net metering. The combined capacity of net-metered systems may not exceed 0.5% of any utility's peak demand [except for SDG&E, which has a limit of 50 MW]. more...
  • Net Metering - Minnesota
    Only electric generators less than 40 kilowatts (kW) are eligible and include fossil fuel cogeneration facilities.There is no statewide limit on the amount of electricity that can qualify for net metering payments, all customer classes are eligible for the program, and all utilities are required to offer net metering. more...
  • Net Metering - New Jersey
    In 2004, existing net metering provisions were revised by the New Jersey Board of Public Utilities. Net metering is available for qualifying projects up to 2MW. Customers eligible for net metering own the renewable-energy credits (RECs) associated with the electricity they generate. more...
  • Net Metering - Wisconsin
    Wisconsin is the other state to offer the retail rate for net excess generation (NEG), but unlike Minnesota it does so only for electricity generated from renewable resources. For non-renewable generation the net energy rate is the utility's avoided cost of electricity production. more...
  • Net Metering - Sacramento Municipal Utility District's Solar Program
    The Sacramento Municipal Utility District (SMUD) will buy excess solar-powered electricity produced by their customers at the retail rate. In 1993, the SMUD PV Pioneer program established a partnership with customers willing to assist in the early adoption of photovoltaic (PV) technology. More...



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