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Climate Change and Global Warming Rules

Carbon Caps With Universal Dividends: Equitable, Ethical & Politically Effective Climate PolicyCarbon Caps With Universal Dividends: Equitable, Ethical & Politically Effective Climate Policy
This January 2008 policy brief concludes that universal dividends are a critically important tool to create the political will and public acceptance for a carbon cap. Universal dividends have the potential to hold harmless a large segment of consumers while we move to a low-carbon economy. Moreover, the universal dividend honors the principle that the sky belongs to all of us equally. Private investment in clean and efficient technologies will be driven by a carbon cap that leads to steady reductions over time of GHG emissions and carbon-based fuels. View Executive Summary and Download the full report

Lessons from the Pioneers: Tackling Global Warming at the Local Level
This January 2007 report looks at ten of the most visible and successful cities involved in global warming solutions and finds that reducing GHG emissions below 1990 levels will be a major challenge. Many cities will likely not meet their goals unless complementary state and federal policies are put in place very soon. download the report - view executive summary

Climate Neutral Bonding: Building Global Warming Solutions at the State And Local Level
This February 2006 policy brief by John Bailey provides background and analysis to support a state or local policy that would require construction projects funded with tax-exempt bonds to result in no net increases in greenhouse gases within the community.

Emissions reduction efforts to address the issue of climate change focus on two primary greenhouse gases: CO2 and methane. CO2 is released when fossil fuels - oil, coal and natural gas - are burned to power our cars, produce electricity or heat our buildings. Methane is emitted in urban areas when garbage and waste products decompose, primarily in landfills. Local governments can play a key role because they directly influence and control many of the activities that produce these emissions. Decisions about land use and development, investments in public transit, energy-efficient building codes, waste reduction and recycling programs all affect local air quality and living standards as well as the global climate.

A nice local level initiative has been spearheaded by the city of Seattle is the U.S. Mayor's Climate Protection Agreement. As of May 2007, Mayor's in 496 cities have signed this agreement and commited their communities to meet the greenhouse gas reduction goals of the Kyoto Protocol (7 percent reduction from 1990 levels by 2012). More on the campaign here.

Climate Neutral Bonding Resolution
We've developed a Model Climate Neutral Bonding resolution targeted specifically at those communities that have signed on to the U.S. Mayor's Climate Protection Agreement. This resolution will require that bond funded construction projects in a community will result in no net increases in global warming pollutants within the community. Note: The resolution can be modified to suit the needs of any community and could be the basis for state legislation.

Another interesting community-level effort is the Cities for Climate Protection program of the International Council for Local Environmental Initiatives (ICLEI) that is working with communities around the world to help them make a commitment to reduce greenhouse gas emissions.

At the state level, Oregon has taken a step that requires any new power plants built in the state to meet emission standards set by the highest efficiency plant in the nation. We like this requirement and have featured it here.



  • Carbon Caps With Universal Dividends
    Many proposals addressing climate change advocate for a cap on greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions or carbon content of fuels.  Returning money from future carbon allowance auctions as a per capita dividend creates a carbon cap policy that is ethical, equitable, and conducive to being politically successful. More...


  • Automobile Greenhouse Gas Emissions Rule - California
    Building on existing law, this bill (AB1493) requires the California Air Resources Board to adopt procedures and protocols for the reporting and certification of reductions in greenhouse gas emissions from mobile sources - automobiles and trucks. It directs the Board to come up with regulations by 2005 that "achieve the maximum feasible reduction of greenhouse gases". The new standards would apply to vehicles from model year 2009 onward. More...
  • Greenhouse Gas Emissions Performance Standard for Power Plants - California
    In January 2007, the California Public Utilities Commission (PUC) adopted an interim Greenhouse Gas (GHG) Emissions Performance Standard (EPS) in an effort to help mitigate climate change. The standard is a facility-based emissions standard requiring that all new long-term commitments for baseload generation to serve California consumers be with power plants that have emissions no greater than a combined cycle gas turbine plant. More...
  • Multiple Pollutant Reduction Program - New Hampshire
    In May 2002, New Hampshire became the first state in the country to adopt rules to regulate carbon dioxide (CO2) emissions from power plants. The new law establishes a multiple pollutant reduction program. In addition to CO2, the final version of the new law establishes caps on emissions of sulfur dioxide and nitrogen oxides by existing fossil fuel electric power plants and also requires a reduction in mercury pollution. More...
  • Power Plant Emissions Standard for Carbon Dioxide (CO2)- Oregon
    Enacted in 1997, the Oregon law requires any new power plant to reduce net carbon dioxide emissions 17 percent below the level of the best existing combustion-turbine plant anywhere in the United States. The standards are periodically updated as more efficient power plants are built in other states. More...


  • Climate Neutral Bonding Resolution - A Model for Cities
    This resolution is targeted specifically at those communities that have signed on to the U.S. Mayor's Climate Protection Agreement. It will require that construction projects in a community funded with municipal bonds will result in no net increases in global warming pollutants within the community.  The resolution can be modified to suit the needs of other communities and could be the basis for state legislation. More...
  • Renewable Energy Mitigation Program - Aspen and Pitkin County, CO
    In 2000, Aspen and Pitkin County in Colorado launched the Renewable Energy Mitigation Program (REMP). The program charges new homeowners one fee if their homes exceed 5,000 sq. ft. and another fee up to $100,000 if they exceed the "energy budget" allotted to their property by the local building code. As of Fall 2002, REMP has raised more than $2 million for local energy efficiency and renewable energy projects. REMP's goal is to keep three tons of carbon out of the air for every excess ton of carbon put into the air. More...
  • Climate Action Plan Tax - Boulder, CO
    The passage (60 percent in favor) of a city-wide referendum in November 2006, establishes a charge on electricity users based on how much energy they use. The money will go to support Boulder's Climate Action Plan to reduce global warming pollution. The passage marked the first time in the nation that a municipal government will impose an energy tax on its residents to directly combat climate change. More...
  • Global Warming Action Plan - Portland, OR and Multnomah County
    In April 2001, Portland City Council and the Multnomah County Board of Commissioners adopted a joint Local Action Plan on Global Warming with a goal of reducing greenhouse gas emissions to 10 percent below 1990 levels by 2010. More...
  • Global Warming Initiative - Seattle, WA
    In July 2001, Seattle Mayor Paul Schell and four members of the City Council announced support for the Kyoto Protocol and called on other local governments to adopt policies to combat global warming. The Seattle City Council voted on resolutions supporting the goals of the Kyoto Protocol and committing Seattle City Light -- the city's public electric utility -- to a policy of zero net greenhouse gas emissions. More...


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