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Working with ECBC

Patent Application ImageThe Edgewood Chemical Biological Center's (ECBC) team of experienced scientists, engineers and technicians routinely develop and refine new and innovative technologies, many of which may assist not only the warfighter but also other government entities, industry and academia. As part of its mission, ECBC offers a broad range of chemical/biological (CB) services and the use of its cutting-edge facilities through its technology transfer program.

If you are in need of ECBC's services, doing business with us has never been easier. We have in place a variety of agreements and funding mechanisms that can be rapidly activated so you can readily access our expertise and facilities. These include the following:



For information on any of these programs, please contact:

Edgewood Chemical Biological Center
Office of Research and Technology Applications (ORTA)
E-mail: technical.outreach@apgea.army.mil
(410) 436-4438








Homeland Defense

Homeland Defense


ECBC Overview Video

ECBC Overview Video


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To locate an employee of ECBC or to obtain contact information for people who work at Aberdeen Proving Ground, please call 410-278-5201. An operator is available 24 hours per day.

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