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Climate Change & Global Warming

See also: Climate and History.

Selected Books

Broecker, Wallace S. and Robert Kunzig
Fixing Climate: what past climate changes reveal about the current threat--and how to counter it
QC981.8.C5 B738 2008
Wallace Broecker, one of the earliest voices on global warming, offers a history of the climate crisis with biographies of early climate change investigators.
Calvin, William H.
Global Fever: How to Treat Climate Change
QC981.8.C5 C342 2008
Calvin feels that to avoid catastrophe we must aggressively fund clean technologies to jump-start a third industrial revolution, while simultaneously expanding our use of existing low-emission technologies, from nuclear power to plug-in hybrid vehicles.
Gore, Albert
An Inconvenient Truth: the Planetary Emergency of Global Warming and What We Can Do about It
QC981.8.G56 G67 2006x
Published to tie into a documentary film of the same name, "An Inconvenient Truth" is Gore's battle cry about what needs to be done about global warming.
Global Warming: Opposing Viewpoints
QC981.8.G56 G574 2006
Most scientists agree that temperatures near the surface of the Earth appear to be increasing, but there is controversy about what this warming might mean. Is it a potentially catastrophic event caused by humans, or simply a natural and harmless fluctuation such as Earth has seen before?
Johansen, Bruce E. (Bruce Elliott), 1950-
Global Warming in the 21st Century
QC981.8.G56 J643 2006
This three-volume work (v. 1. Our evolving climate crisis -- v. 2. Melting ice and warming seas -- v. 3. Plants and animals in peril) presents a critical mass of evidence that global warming is already exerting a dramatic influence over air, land, and sea temperatures, with disastrous results for flora, fauna, and humans.
Lovelock, J. E.
The Revenge of Gaia: Earth's Climate in Crisis and the Fate of Humanity
QH343.4.L694 2006x
A pessimistic view of earth's future from a prominent climate scientist and proponent of the idea that life on earth functions as a single organism.
Mann, Michael and Lee R. Kump
Dire Predictions: Understanding Global Warming
Mann and Kump have taken the reports of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) and made them accessible to the lay reader in this DK publication using visually-stunning illustrations and understandable analogies.
Mooney, Chris (Chris C.)
Storm World: Hurricanes, Politics, and the Battle over Global Warming
QC944.M66 2007
One of the leading science journalists and commentators working today, Mooney delves into a red-hot debate in meteorology: whether the increasing ferocity of hurricanes is connected to global warming.
Pearce, Fred
With Speed and Violence: Why Scientists Fear Tipping Points in Climate Change
QC981.8.C5 P415 2006
Enviromental journalist Fred Pearce (author of When the Rivers Run Dry) presents evidence supporting the existence of global warming from many scientists.
Sweet, William
Kicking the Carbon Habit: Global Warming and the Case for Renewable and Nuclear Energy
TJ808.S87 2006
William Sweet puts forth the reasons for using wind and nuclear power in place of coal and petroleum.
Tidwell, Mike
The Ravaging Tide: Strange Weather, Future Katrinas, and the Coming Death of America's Coastal Cities
QC981.8.C5 T53 2006
A prophetic journalist predicts that because of global warming, ocean levels will rise by three feet in the coming decades, and hurricanes will grow more powerful, endangering coastal populations not only in North America but throughout the world.
Wood, Chris, 1953-
Dry Spring: the Coming Water Crisis of North America
HD1691.W65 2008x
Wood is a Canadian journalist investigating the consequences of global warming on the water supply in the U.S. and Canada.

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DVDs (Videorecordings)

Global Warming: The Signs and the Science
This documentary, produced by the South Carolina Educational Television Network, examines the dangers posed to the planet by global warming.
(DVD) QC981.8.G56 G581325 2005x
Global Warming: You Can Make a Difference
This production by Video Education Australasia examines how increased levels of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere create a greenhouse effect that produces climatic change and global warming. Discusses what can be done at international and individual levels to change human behavior and reduce carbon dioxide levels.
Gore, Albert
An Inconvenient Truth
(DVD) QC981.8.G56 I5335 2006x
Former Vice President Al Gore explains the facts of global warming, presents arguments that the dangers of global warning have reached the level of crisis, and addresses the efforts of certain interests to discredit the anti-global warming cause. Between lecture segments, Gore discusses his personal commitment to the environment, sharing anecdotes from his experiences.
On Thin Ice
(DVD) QC981.8.G56 O525 2007x
This Norwegian documentary examines glacial melting at Svalbard, a Norwegian archipelago in the Arctic Ocean, due to global warming caused by greenhouse gases. Discusses the effect that this phenomenon has had on wildlife.
Scientific American Frontiers. Hot Planet -- Cold Comfort
Examines recent research at the Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution in Cape Cod, Massachucetts, connecting global warming with changes in climatic systems. Investigates shrinking glaciers in Alaska.
(DVD) QC981.8.G56 H3934 2005x
Strange Days on Planet Earth
Four National Geographic television programs examine the effects of climate change on various species and ecosystems.

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Web Sites

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  • The Climate Group
    The Climate Group is an independent, nonprofit organization dedicated to advancing business and government leadership on climate change. It consists of companies, governments, and nonprofit organizations.
  • Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC)
    The Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) has been established by the World Meteorological Organization (WMO) and the United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP) to assess scientific, technical and socio- economic information relevant for the understanding of climate change, its potential impacts and options for adaptation and mitigation.
  • New Scientist: Climate change: A guide for the perplexed
    A May 16, 2007 article from the New Scientist.
  • Royal Society: Climate Change
    The Royal Society, the UK's national academy of science, is an idependent nonprofit organization composed of the most eminent scientists, engineers and technologists from the UK and the Commonwealth. Their Climate Change site is directed at the public and includes sections on facts and fictions about climate change and global climate change policy.
  • SciDevNet: Climate Change
    This dossier provides news, analysis and background on current debates about the nature and implications of climate change as it relates to developing countries.
  • United Nations Environment Programme: Climate Change
    This portal is a central source for substantive work and information resources regarding climate change.
  • United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change
    Over a decade ago (1994), most countries joined an international treaty -- the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) -- to begin to consider what can be done to reduce global warming and to cope with whatever temperature increases are inevitable. Recently, a number of nations have approved an addition to the treaty: the Kyoto Protocol, which has more powerful (and legally binding) measures.

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What You Can Do

  • Carbon Footprint
    Measure the impact that your activities have on the environment in terms of the amount of green house gases produced, measured in units of carbon dioxide.
  • Keep Winter Cool
    "Fight global warming. Winter's short enough already." Keep Winter Cool is a partnership between NRDC (Natural Resources Defense Council) and the National Ski Areas Association (NSAA) to raise visibility and public understanding of global warming and spotlight opportunities that exist right now to start fixing the problem.
  • Replenish and Recycle: Principles to Grow By Throughout the New Year
    A December 29, 2007 article from the Washington Post by Joel M. Lerner about the impact of small things that you can do to reduce man's negative impact on the climate.
  • Stop Global Warming is an advocacy group for addressing the issue of global warming. A project of the Tides Center.

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Pittsburgh Resources

  • Pittsburgh Climate Protection Initiative
    The Pittsburgh Climate Protection Initiative seeks to raise awareness and engage Pittsburgh’s residents, businesses, government and institutions of higher learning in taking actions that will reduce greenhouse gas emissions and their impact on our local economy and human well being. The Initiative is financially supported through generous funding from the Roy A. Hunt Foundation, The Heinz Endowments and the Surdna Foundation.
    • Pittsburgh Climate Action Plan (June 2008)
      "In an effort to create a coordinated Pittsburgh climate protection effort, the Pittsburgh Climate Action Plan presents the City of Pittsburgh and its residents, businesses, and higher education institutions with opportunities to reduce the impacts of local and global climate change, improve the local environment and the local economy, and enhance Pittsburgh’s reputation as an environmentally progressive city."
    • Climate Change Roadmap for Pennsylvania
      The Pennsylvania Environmental Council (PEC) released its Climate Change report in June, 2007. According to PEC, "Pennsylvania produces 1% of the world's greenhouse gas emissions."

    • Northeast Climate Impacts Assessment
      The Northeast Climate Impacts Assessment (NECIA) is a collaboration between the Union of Concerned Scientists (UCS) and a team of more than fifty independent experts to develop and communicate a new assessment of climate change. July 11, 2007, they published "Confronting Climate Change in the U.S. Northeast" (below) that was commented on in the Pittsburgh Post-Gazette.
    • Penn Future's Cool Pennsylvania
      A site by Citizens for Pennsylvania's Future focusing on what Pennsylvanians can do about global warming since "Pennsylvania contributes 1 percent of all the pollution that causes global warming - more than 105 developing countries combined. Pennsylvania produces more greenhouse gasses than 47 states - only California and Texas produce more." Listen to PennFuture's podcasts on global warming.

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