NCI Cancer Bulletin
A Trusted Source for Cancer Research News
Special Issue
September 13, 2005 • Volume 2 / Number 35 E-Mail This Document  |  Download PDF  |  Bulletin Archive/Search  |  Subscribe

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Director's Update
For More Than 20 Years, CCOPs Define Commitment, Success

Minorities Gaining Access to Clincial Trials

Table of Community Clinical Oncology Programs

Map of Community Clinical Oncology Programs

Moments in Community Clinical Oncology Program History

A Conversation with
Dr. Lori Minasian

Why CCOP Physicians Participate in Prevention

Why I am A CCOP Physician

Hurricane Katrina Update

Coming Soon:
CCOP Network Profiles

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Why I am A CCOP Physician

Dr. Richard L. Deming By Dr. Richard L. Deming, Medical Director, Mercy Therapeutic Radiology Associates, Des Moines, Iowa

Cancer treatment is an evolving process. The knowledge we gain from the results of clinical trials ultimately determines what the standard treatment for a particular type and stage of cancer will be.

During our residencies at academic medical centers we learned the value of evidence-based medicine. We studied the landmark clinical trials that influenced our current recommendations and we participated in new trials destined to influence future standards.

When we completed our residencies, we chose whether to stay in the academic world or to join the ranks of community physicians. Many of us struggled with this decision because we enjoyed the stimulation of the university setting, and felt the good that comes from working to advance the treatment.

Those of us who go into private practice don't give up our intellectual curiosity or our desire to help advance the knowledge of cancer treatment. Participation in clinical trials through the CCOPs allows us to continue contributing to our profession and helping to improve the quality of patient care.

For me, participation in the North Central Cancer Treatment Group, a CCOP Research Base, provides a framework for ongoing collaboration with my academic colleagues, an occasion to attend semiannual group meetings, and the opportunity to stay informed about new developments in oncology.

Why do I participate?

  1. I want to help improve cancer care.
  2. I want to be able to offer my patients the most up-to-date treatment possible.
  3. I want to be part of a collaborative process with academic physicians to continue my professional development and learn about new developments in oncology.

Hurricane Katrina Update
Three CCOPs were directly affected by Hurricane Katrina: the Louisiana State University MB-CCOP and the Ochsner CCOP, both in New Orleans, and the Gulf Coast MB-CCOP in Mobile, Alabama. Of these three, only the Gulf Coast MB-CCOP has been able to reopen to treat cancer patients. In response to the overwhelming need of people displaced by the hurricane, CCOPs across the country have opened their doors to patients from the Gulf Coast area to help them continue cancer treatment, including patients who were on clinical trials with experimental drugs. NCI has a list of resources available to help patients and physicians after this national disaster at

Coming Soon: CCOP Network Profiles

Now that you've learned about the "why" and "how" of the CCOP network, look forward to learning about "who" the members are who make up this network through a new Bulletin feature, CCOP Profiles.

These profiles will run approximately every 6 weeks and provide an overview of each CCOP, with information about its history, clinical specialties, research activities, and new programs of interest to patients, investigators, and health care professionals.

Upcoming profiles:

      Wichita Community Clinical Oncology Program

John H. Stroger, Jr., Hospital of Cook County MB-CCOP

Southeast Cancer Control Consortium, Inc., CCOP

San Juan MB-CCOP

Upstate Carolina CCOP

Columbia River Oncology Program

Christiana Care Health Services

For more information about the CCOPs network, go to

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