National Agricultural Statistics Service (NASS) NASS LogoCenter for Integrated Pest Management
  Agricultural Chemical Use Database Home

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Search Tips
You can search the database in several different ways (see links above). An explanation of each approach can be found below the link

Creates a Table. Search individual annual use statistics by commodity, state, ctive ingredient, and year. Results are either a web table or Excel spreadsheet of all records and statistics meeting your search criteria.

Creates a Map. Select a specific commodity, active ingredient, year and use statistic. Provides a US map, by state, of the statistic requested. Select a specific commodity, active ingredient and use statistic. Provides a color US map, by state, of the statistic average requested (over all years) (not yet implemented).

Creates a Chart. Select a State, a Crop, a active ingredient, and Use Statistic. Results are presented as a line or bar chart of mean use statistic values.

Because the data provided by NASS are already grouped by state, crop, active ingredient and year, we can not calculate statistics for a single crop, state, active ingredient, and year. However, the following three ways can be used to search and calculate statistics:
Search by Year
-Select a specific active ingredient and year. Returns all active ingredient use statistics by commodity and year as web table or Excel spreadsheet. Results can also then be seen as bar chart, by year, of selected statistic and commodity, if requested (to be implemented).

Search by State
-Select a specific active ingredient and state. Returns all active ingredient use statistics by commodity and year as web table or Excel spreadsheet. Results can also then be seen as bar chart, by year, of selected statistic and commodity, if requested (to be implemented).

Search by Commodity
- Select a specific active ingredient and commodity. Returns all active ingredient use data by state and year as web table or Excel spreadsheet. Results can also then be seen as bar chart, by year, of selected statistic and state, if requested (to be implemented).

If you have further question question on how to use the site or have any suggestion/comment, please send e-mail to

Data provided electronically by NASS. Online search and access provided by the NSF Center for Integrated Pest Management as part of the USDA Regional Pest Management Centers Information System. Funding provided by USDA/CSREES