The College has a strong scholarship program made available by the generous donations of alumni and friends. Scholarships are awarded on the basis of academic merit and need and assist students in paying for their tuition. Any College of Forest Resources student is eligible to apply; application forms can be downloaded or are available from the Office of Student and Academic Services, Anderson 116. The application deadline is April 15 for the following academic year. Scholarship amounts are generally for UW quarterly tuition, sometimes for all three quarters of the academic year.

Charles L. Pack Essay Competition
Contact for more information.

The College's Dean's Office also supports graduate student travel to national conferences, seminars, and professional meetings. This funding is meant to supplement research grant funding and the Graduate School Fund for Excellence and Innovation.

The Washington Pulp and Paper Foundation provides industry-sponsored scholarships for undergraduate majors in the Paper Science and Engineering program. Applicants must apply prior to the first quarter of admission to the program. Scholarship amounts are $1,500-$4,000 per academic year, depending upon academic merit. Click here for application forms and information.

The UW Financial Aid Office, Schmitz 105, administers a variety of government and UW funded financial aid programs for UW students. The application deadline varies, but priority is given to those who apply early. Scholarship amount depends on eligibility for financial aid.

The Office of Merit Scholarships, Fellowships, and Awards, Mary Gates 120, provides information and guidance for UW students on a wide variety of local and national funding programs.

See additional information on scholarship and financial aid resources from a wide variety of sources.

Office of Student and Academic Services
College of Forest Resources
University of Washington
Box 352100
Seattle, WA 98195-2100
fax: 206-685-0790
phone: 206.543.7081