Climate – University of Copenhagen

Welcome to the University of Copenhagen’s Portal on Climate Change

University of Copenhagen’s Portal on Climate Change

The next UN Climate Conference (COP15) will take place in November-December 2009 in Copenhagen. The University of Copenhagen will launch a series of climate activities in the run-up to the UN Conference. One of the main activities is an international research congress, which the University of Copenhagen, together with the partner universities in the IARU star alliance, will hold on 10-12 March 2009. Here the world’s top researchers will try and capture some of the enormous research energy currently being devoted to the elucidation, mitigation and adaptation to climate change. Information about all the climate activities taking place at the University of Copenhagen will be updated on this website.

Research Congress 2009

Research Congress
University of Copenhagen invites world's researchers to discuss climate issues. More on the research congress

Climate Activities

In co-operation with external partners, the University of Copenhagen hosts a mixed set of activities related to climate change. Read more

Climate Lectures

Climate Lectures
Participate in our climate lectures and gain a wide understanding of climate change. Read more

Green Campus

Green Responsibility
Copenhagen University will reduce its energy consumption by 20 percent in 2013. Read more.