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There's no better way to advance your Science & Biotech career than to get that degree. Check out schools that have programs in the Science & Biotech fields below or use our FREE School Finder to find the right school for you.
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1. Meteorologist
2. Psychologist
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8. Biology
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11. Chemistry
12. Microbiologist
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Agricultural Technician
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Social Science Research Assistant
Social Scientist
Soil Conservationist
Soil Scientist
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Survey Researcher
Wildlife Biologist

 Review Trends
Review the statistical analysis below to get a feel for current trends in the Science & Biotech sector. The graphs represent the change in volume of Science & Biotech job and resume postings within the last several months.

 Research Personality Types
Many employers look for specific personality types to fit certain roles. What is your personality type?
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The top three personality types in the Science & Biotech field are ISFJ, ISTJ, and INTJ.
ISFJ(Introvert, Sensor, Feeler, Judger)
People of this type tend to be: cautious, gentle, and thoughtful; hesitant until they know people well then affectionate and caring; very literal and aware of the physical world; uncompromising about personal standards and easily offended; diligent and conscientious, organized and decisive. The most important thing to ISFJs is living a stable, predictable life and helping people in real ways.
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 Job Descriptions
What Science & Biotech career suits you best? Below is just one career to consider. If it's not for you, consider researching many more career posibilities in Science & Biotech.
Geological and Petroleum Technicians
Assist scientists in the use of electrical, sonic, or nuclear measuring instruments in both laboratory and production activities to obtain data indicating potential sources of metallic ore, gas, or petroleum. Analyze mud and drill cuttings. Chart pressure, temperature, and other characteristics of wells or bore holes. Investigate and collect information leading to the possible discovery of new oil fields.

All Careers in Science & Biotech 

 Featured Companies
Harper Corporation of America
Osram Sylvania Inc.
 Rumsey Electric Company
 Northrop Grumman
 Brookhaven National Laboratory
 McDowell & Company
 Sun National Bank
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Grab some popcorn and browse our archive of Science & Biotech related videos. If you're exploring potential career paths our videos will shed some light on possibilities you may never have considered.
Food Scientists and Technologists
Nuclear Technicians
Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics
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