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Specialty Crops

Overview information
Transition to Organic Farming (OMAFRA)
Transitioning to Certified Organic Farming (COG)
Your Soil
Soil Testing Labs & Services (Canada and U.S.A)

The Weather Network Farmzone
Environmental Canada Weather Office - BC Page
14-Day Soil Moisture Outlook for Canada and Alaska
BC Evapotranspiration - Schedule Irrigation Calculator (Farmwest)
Calculate Your Corn Heat Units (Farmwest)
Growing Degree Days (Farmwest)

Organic Agroforestry
Discovering Profits in Unlikely Places: Agroforestry Opportunities for Added Income (UMN)
Good Bedfellows: Cattle, Pecan Trees - Environmentally Sound Mix (SARE)
Cut and Dried Flowers
Cut and Dried Flowers (MDA State)

Organic Honey (CHC)
Organic Honey (Bee Culture)
COABC's Certified Organic Honey Guidelines (COABC)
COABC's Livestock Materials List (Section 16)
Scientific Evidence Supporting MiteGone Use (MiteGone)
Canada and New Zealand Experience with Formic Acid (MiteGone/pdf)

Flax (MDA State)
Comparable flax yields show organic methods work

Hemp (MDA State)

Herbs (see Medicinal below)

Organic Matters: Consideration for Organic Herb Production (ATTRA)

Small-Scale & Organic Hops Manual (Crannog Ales) [PDF, 800k]
Fresh Hops (Freshops)
Identifying and Harnessing HIPPOs for Hop and Grape Pest Management (WSU)
Hops (MDA State)
Humulus info (ARS-Grin)
Hops (Purdue)
Medicinal Plants

A Mixed Herb (medicinal/certified organic) Production Budget (BCMAFF '02/pdf)

American Skullcap (certified organic) Production Budget (BCMAFF '02/pdf)
Calendula Flower (certified organic) Production Budget (BCMAFF '02/pdf)
Catnip Herb (certified organic) Production Budget (BCMAFF '02/pdf)
Dandelion Root (certified organic) Production Budget (BCMAFF '02/pdf)
German Chamomile Flower (certified organic) Production Budget (BCMAFF '02/pdf)
Lavender Flower (certified organic) Production Budget (BCMAFF '02/pdf)
Lemon Balm Herb (certified organic) Production Budget (BCMAFF '02/pdf)
Licorice Root (certified organic) Production Budget (BCMAFF '02/pdf)
Marshmallow Root (certified organic) Production Budget (BCMAFF '02/pdf)
Nettle Herb (certified organic) Production Budget (BCMAFF '02/pdf)
Passion Flower Herb (certified organic) Production Budget (BCMAFF '02/pdf)
Red Clover Flower (certified organic) Production Budget (BCMAFF '02/pdf)
Shepherd's Purse Herb (certified organic) Production Budget (BCMAFF '02/pdf)
Yarrow Flower Herb (certified organic) Production Budget (BCMAFF '02/pdf)

BC Herb Growers Association (BCHGA)
Herb Research Foundation
Richters ProGrowers Info
Northern Prairie Herbarium (USGS)
Herb Growing and Marketing Network
Lavender (MDA State)
Herb Database (OHGA)
Henriette's Plant Pictures
Mushroom (MDA State)
Safflower (MDA State)
Sesame (Purdue)
Sunflower (MDA State)
Vernonia (MDA State)
Sprouts (MDA State)
Stevia (PMRC)
The Cultivation of Stevia (OMAFRA)
Pertinent Federal (Canadian) & Provincial (BC) Regulations
Farm Equipment
Marketing Your Product
Organic Fruit & Vegetable Prices
On-Farm Food Safety
Small Scale Food Processing
Organic Certification
Pest Management

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