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Farm Animal Welfare

SPCA Certified Labelling Program
A Farm Animal Welfare Initiative
  1. Goals
  2. Operations Manual (pdf 294KB)
  3. FAQs
  4. Standards, Registration forms and Records sheets

SPCA Certified Labelling Program

  • Facilitate and support changes to farm animal welfare standards.
  • Provide voluntary third party certification services to those involved in the animal agricultural industry.
  • Support scientific research and development in farm animal welfare.
Other Animal Welfare Resources
Electric Prod and Organic Beef Production
Throughout the history of agriculture and in all facets of animal production, the welfare of farm animals has been impacted by a variety of economic, political, and social forces. Organic animal production is impacted by the same forces, but responds to them from within its own philosophical frame of reference. Concentration and centralization of the processing industry and increased societal awareness and concern about animal welfare issues have raised concerns about animal welfare during transportation and slaughter. In both organic and conventional agriculture, the accelerating rate of change affects all aspects of production and processing.
Read more [.doc format 101k]

Further Resources
Canadian Agri-food Research Council's Recommended Codes of Practice for the Raising and Handling of Farm Animals
Canadian Federal Acts & Regulations: farm animal slaughter & transportation
BC Provincial Acts and Regulations relating to farm animals
BC Provincial Meat Inspection Act
Livestock Behaviour, Design of Facilities & Humane Slaughter (Dr Temple Grandin)
Stress Down - Humane Handling (NewFarm April '04)
Humane husbandry by Roberta Staley
Is There Profit in Animal Welfare? - A CBC Radio Commentary/April 2003
Humane Hogs Slide Show - (AWI/html)
Peacable Kingdom. Video preview of movie on animal care

Dairy Specific Resources
UBC Dairy Article List

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