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Directory of Useful Online Organic Farming Resources

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* = internal link

Organic Federation of Canada. Co-ordinating regulation, providing information
Canadian Organic Products Regulations. Posted December 14, 2006
Agriculture Policy Framework. Federal and Provincial initiative: "Putting Canada First".
Biotechnology Notices of Submission Project. Submissions Posted For Public Comment
Canadian Cattle Identification Agency (CCIA). National cattle identification program
Canadian Organic Growers. National information network for farmers, gardeners and consumers.
Canadian Organic Livestock Association. Promotion and support
Greencover Canada - Financial assistance with improving your grassland management, protecting water quality, reducing greenhouse-gas emissions, and enhancing biodiversity and wildlife habitat.
Nutrition Labelling. Govt. of Canada information and regulations
Organic Agriculture Centre of Canada. Research to improve the sustainability of farming
Plant Hardiness Zones. Interactive map.

Alberta government Organic Industry Listings. Certifiers, growers, processors.
* British Columbia's Water Supply Expansion Program for Agriculture [PDF - 220k]
Hogwatch Manitoba. Coalition concerned about the industrialization of livestock raising in Manitoba
Acorn. "The Voice of Organics in Atlantic Canada".
Investment Agriculture Foundation of BC. Invests federal and provincial funds to help the agri-food industry adapt to change.
The Land Conservancy of BC. Conservation Partners programme.
Going Organic Network of Alberta. non-profit, promotes organic growing and consumption.
PEI Certified Organic Producers Co-op
Strategic plan for Quebec's Organic Food Sector. 2004 - 2009.
BC Agricultural Council Represents collective interests of BC agricultural producers

Household Products Database. Health & Safety Information
Integrity in Science Database. Corporate ties of scientists, academics, and non-profit organizations

Organic Agriculture College Programs and Courses in Canada.
U of California Sustainable Agriculture Research and Education Program
Organic Market Garden. A detailed how-to.

Organic Farming & Climate Change International Trade Centre UNCTAD/WTO [PDF 1.5MB]
Broken Limbs Movie that finds hope in sustainable agriculture
Climate Friendly Farming: Mitigating global climate change
BC Cattlemen's Association. What is EFP?
Ontario E.F.P..
Alberta E.F.P.
British Columbia E.F.P.

* Employees and Volunteers. Employment, apprenticeship, farm-stay etc.

Agbios. Public policy, regulatory, and risk assessment expertise for products of biotechnology.
GMO News Update Current news stories from around the world
Organic & Non-GMO Report Information
Institute for Responsible Technology Grassroots and national (US) strategies
Canadian Trends in Biotechnology overview of biotech. activities in Canada, 1997-2004
The Campaign Grassroots political action
GMO information resources Downloads and web sites.
GM contamination incidents in Canada.
The Future of Food. Movie on consumers and GM food
GM Labelling by country. World map showing which countries use labelling for GM foods.
Ag BioTech InfoNet. Independent and commercial-free information
GM Watch. Focus on the use of hype, propaganda and spin to promote this technology
Seeds of Deception. Information on the dangers.
Perry Schmeiser vs Monsanto. Background and history

* Soil Testing Services in Canada and the U.S.A. Contact information for soil testing labs
Independent Organic Inspectors Association. Training and networking
Organic Crop Improvement Association. Research, education and certification services
Organic Materials Review Institute. Lists of materials allowed and prohibited
Organic Trade Association. Promotes products, protects standards in N America

* Acts, Codes & Regulations: for British Columbia and Canada.

Agribusiness Accountability Network. Promotes Collaborative Responses to Corporate Power.
Agriculture of the Middle. Seeks to renew the disappeariing sector of mid-scale farms
Beyond Factory Farming Coalition. promote ecological livestock production
BC Rural Women's Network: to influence change with government and industry
BC Food Systems Network. Goal: eliminate hunger and increase food security in BC
Californians for GE-Free Agriculture. Non-profit, works with farmers, the media and consumers
FarmFolk/CityFolk Society. Working together for a sustainable, local food system
Genetic Resources Action International. Promotes people's control over genetic resources
Henry Doubleday Research Association. Research and promote organic gardening, farming, food
Land Stewardship Project. Promotes sustainable agriculture and communities
Network of Concerned Farmers. Aims to protect the rights of farmers to grow non GE crops.
Organic Farming Research Foundation. Fund on-farm research projects in N America

L'Union des cultivateurs franco-ontariens. Agriculture information and web tools in French.

BC Organic Grower magazineBritish Columbia Organic Grower. All copies archived.
Ecological Agriculture Projects. McGill University's virtual library
Food Technology Buyers' Guide. Ingredients, packaging, services
Organic Agriculture Information Access. Pre-1942 USDA publications related to organic agriculture.
Organic E-prints. Open access archive for papers related to research in organic agriculture
New Agriculture Network. Three U.S. universities bring seasonal advice to field crop and vegetable growers interested in organic agriculture
On Farm Research Guide. Basic plot layout, statistics for the layperson and other useful advice. [pdf 1MB]
Acres USA. Commercial-scale organic and sustainable farming
USDA National Agriculture Library: Searchable database of articles. Requires log-in.
Organic Agriculture Statistics Worldwide. Downloadable book
Organic Farming. Publications List
Organic Farming Research Foundation: Introduction, information, links
Permaculture: Introduction, information, links
International Society of Organic Agriculture Research. Research and teaching
Montana State University. Extension publications on agriculture
Organic Ag Info. U.S.searchable database of research and information . An online community for organic farming and food
History of Organic Farming. Wikipedia
Ram's Horn. Monthly journal of food systems analysis
Sustainable Farmer. Information about how to raise food and fibre mindfully
Jobs Search the Organic Trade Services database for organic-related jobs.
Texas Cooperative Extension. Agriculture business publications
Water, Agriculture & You. Rodale publication on improving water quality [pdf 7MB]

Environmental Health Perspectives - peer-reviewed research and news.
Pest management regulatory agency - label search for Canadian registered pesticide products
Natural Resource Defense Council information website on pesticide dangers
Extoxnet - The EXtension TOXicology NETwork - pesticide toxicology
Pesticide reduction is possible factsheets
Pesticides - Where to Find - Environment Canada
The Pesticide Data Program Data on pesticide residues detected in selected foods.
Glyphosate A review of its health and environmental effects
Pesticides in Produce - Handy wallet guide

* Organic Seed Sources: Chart showing all varieties available
Seeds of Change: The Changing Nature of Seed Ownership and Control in Canada
Irrigation Calculator: for determining irrigation schedules - Gaia College, BC, Canada
Organic Seed Alliance: Supports development and stewardship of agricultural seed - USA
Seeds of Diversity Canada. Save rare seeds to promote diversity
Renewable Energy and Agriculture: A Natural Fit. Solar, wind, biomass

Alternative Farming Systems Information Center. Part of the U.S. National Agricultural Library
Health Observatory. Public health policy information.

European Network for Scientific Research Coordination in Organic Farming.

Guelph Organic Conference. A leading annual North American organic agricultural event.



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