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On-Farm Food Safety

Overview information

Canadian Food Inspection Agency
Food Safety Network Research, commentary, information (U of Guelph)
Reducing risks from E.coli 0157 on the organic farm (EcoFarm/Summer'00)

Food Safety Info Line (Canada-wide toll free 1-800-892-8333)

Treating Irrigation and Crop Wash Water for Pathogens (BCMAFF 2003/pdf)
Water Quality Criteria for Microbiological Indicators
(BCMAFF 1998)
Protecting Water Quality on Organic Farms (ATTRA/pdf)
Best Management Practices - Robocow (PFRA/.fla - flash player needed) It's a bird. It's a plane. No, it's RoboCow. Able to leap tall silos in a single bound, this animated environmental advocate uses her ground-scan radar vision to detect on-farm perils. Like the best of all superheroes, she maps out solutions to hazards like improperly stored chemicals, pesticide run off and stream contamination.
Wellhead Protection (BCMAFF/pdf)
Filtration: how does it work? (PFRA/.fla - flash player needed)
Polishing Methods To Improve Water Quality (PFRA/.fla - flash player needed)

Food Safety Checklists
Reducing Food Safety Risks in Apples (WSU)
Canadian Food Inspection Agency - regulated sectors (CFIA)
Food, Beverage & Nutraceutical Processing
Frequently Asked Questions (BCMAL)
HACCP Models

Food Safety Enhancement Program HACCP Generic Models (CFIA)

Relevant Regulations

Fresh Fruit &Vegetable Regulations, Part I.1, Health & Safety (CFIA 2001)
Reference Listing of Accepted Construction Materials, Packaging Materials, and Non-Food Chemical Products (CFIA 2002)

Farm Equipment
Marketing Your Product
Organic Prices (BC fruit and vegetables)
Pest Management

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