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Our publications

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Seedling - Seedling is GRAIN's quarterly magazine and flagship publication. Each issue contains an editorial, 3-4 articles, book reviews, interviews and much more. Seedling is written both by GRAIN staff and outside collaborators.

"Against the grain" - Against the grain is a series of short opinion pieces on recent trends and developments in the issues that GRAIN works on. Each one focuses on a specific and timely topic.

Briefings - GRAIN produces several briefings each year. They are substantial research reports, providing indepth background information and analysis on a give topic. GRAIN briefings are usually written by GRAIN staff, often in collaboration with other organisations or individuals.

Photo essays - GRAIN has started more recently producing photo essays on topical or important issues where photos can speak louder than words.

[Spanish only] Biodiversidad - Biodiversidad is an independent Latin American quarterly magazine, produced jointly by GRAIN and REDES (Friends of the Earth - Uruguay ). Biodiversidad is written in Spanish, with some articles translated from Seedling and other contributions from collaborators in the region.

[French only] Semences de la biodiversité - - Semences is a concise two-page monthly bulletin providing news & analysis on intellectual property rights and agricultural biodiversity relevant to Francophone Africa. Each issue focuses on one subject.


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