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Energy Metabolism


The prevalence of obesity in the United States is on the rise; currently, over 65 percent of Americans are overweight. Diet, exercise and genetic predisposition all play a role in body weight regulation; however, it is important to investigate the specific underlying causes of obesity, which remain unclear. In addition to examining the ways in which body weight is regulated, the Energy Metabolism Laboratory explores the genetic and environmental factors that determine body composition and energy regulation, as well as quantifying optimal dietary energy requirements. Whole-body physiology studies focus on the importance of both energy intake and expenditure in determining body fat gain during adult life. Hormonal and cellular investigations are conducted to identify the underlying metabolic cause of individual differences in body composition and energy regulation.


The Energy Metabolism Laboratory (EML) has separate rooms for calorimetric measurements of energy expenditure, body composition analyzes, and blood and urine specimen processing, as well as data storage areas. The EML has four indirect calorimeter systems; three Deltatrac metabolic monitors for measurements of resting energy expenditure, and one VMax 229LV metabolic cart for measurements of maximal oxygen consumption, energy expenditure during exercise, and residual lung volume, which is used in conjunction with a motorized treadmill and EKG Stress Test Monitor.