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Body Composition

Research Overview

The decline in lean body mass is one of the hallmarks of aging. The Body Composition Laboratory works to increase the understanding of mechanisms leading to the age-related loss of muscle mass and to develop appropriate interventions that will slow down or reverse this decline. Obesity management and the preservation of quality lean tissue are integral to maintaining function and quality of life in the elderly. Research examines the effect of nutrition on the dynamic interactions between the body's protein, water, fat, and bone and the relationship of these changes to the aging process. This program develops and validates methods to assess body composition and nutrition status of community-dwelling elderly in epidemiological studies. It also studies obesity patterns and health status and evaluates the efficacy of anticachexia and antiobesity treatments. Both traditional and new techniques are used to accurately assess the quality of lean body mass in the elderly.


Lean body mass, body fat, and fat distribution are measured using the Fast Neutron Inelastic Scattering Facility. Whole muscle mass and lean tissue quality are measured by neutron activation and total body potassium counting. Additional methods include stable and radioisotope dilution for measuring the body's water compartments, soft tissue composition by dual x-ray absorptionmetry, bioelectrical impedance, anthropometry and air-displacement plethysmography.