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Current Studies

Please click on a study number below to learn more about that study.

Study Number

Study Topic

2347 Glycemic Index - Variability among Individuals 
2445 Vitamin K Absorption Study
2450 Vitamin D and Muscle Strength Study
2520 CALERIE: Comprehensive Assessment of Long Term Effects of Reducing Intake of Energy
2555 Whey Protein Supplementation and Resistance Exercise Study
2585 Vitamin D and Blood Sugar Control

For more information about these studies, please click on the study topic above to complete the appropriate Study Inquiry Form or call Volunteer Services at (800) 738-7555. You will be asked to leave the following information on our automated voice mail system: your name, address, telephone number, date of birth, and the specific number(s) of the studies you are interested in, such as study #1225.

Within 24 hours of your call we will mail you a medical questionnaire and a description of the study in which you are interested. If you have questions or concerns, please leave a detailed message including your phone number and our staff will return your call as soon as possible.