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HNRCA scientists, through nutrition and exercise research, address health issues which affect the aging population in hopes of improving their quality of life. Our researchers are testing many important theories about nutrition and health, the results of which lead to dietary recommendations for millions of Americans. Since there is a limit to the amount that may be learned about human nutrition through laboratory studies, research based on human participation has the best chance of yielding results that can be applied to the general public. Therefore, the HNRCA has a constant need for volunteers to come to the center and participate in nutrition research studies.

If you are interested in becoming a volunteer, please review our Current List of Studies. If you think you might qualify for a study and would like to apply, please please click on the study number in the Current List of Studies to complete the appropriate Study Inquiry Form or contact the Volunteer Services Office at (800) 738-7555. Once you have contacted us, you will receive a packet of information about the center and a medical history questionnaire for you to complete and return to us. Once we receive your questionnaire, our medical staff will review your history to determine whether it fits the guidelines for any of our research studies. If we determine that you may be eligible, we will ask you to come to the center for a half-day screening visit, which is done free of charge; in fact, we will pay you a $15 stipend. The results from your screening visit will provide you with valuable information about your current health status, and will be forwarded to your doctor upon request.

Your signed informed consent will be required before you begin participating in any research. All HNRCA research has been reviewed and approved by the New England Medical Center and Tufts University Insitutional Review Board (IRB). Institutional Review Boards operate in compliance with federal regulations and their primary responsibility is to protect the rights, safety and welfare of all research subjects. The IRB members represent not only medical specialties, but also include lay citizens, lawyers and clergy. No untested procedures are used during the course of our research. Each step of the study will be fully explained to you in advance.

For more information about our Human Studies program, please refer to our Frequently Asked Questions. For further assistance, please contact us at (800) 738-7555.